Articles | Volume 16, issue 11
Research article
07 Jun 2019
Research article |  | 07 Jun 2019

Model constraints on the anthropogenic carbon budget of the Arctic Ocean

Jens Terhaar, James C. Orr, Marion Gehlen, Christian Ethé, and Laurent Bopp

Data sets

L.S. St. Laurent 18SN19940724, AOS94 cruise data from the 1994 cruises, CARINA Data Set, P. Jones, K. Azetsu-Scott, K. Aagaard, E. Carmack, and J. Swift

Hydrographic, chemical and carbon dioxide data from R/V Oden cruise 77DN20050819 L. Anderson, T. Tanhua, E. P. Jones, and A. Karlqvist

Model code and software

Globalizing results from ocean in situ iron fertilization studies O. Aumont, and L. Bopp

Short summary
A budget of anthropogenic carbon in the Arctic Ocean, the main driver of open-ocean acidification, was constructed for the first time using a high-resolution ocean model. The budget reveals that anthropogenic carbon enters the Arctic Ocean mainly by lateral transport; the air–sea flux plays a minor role. Coarser-resolution versions of the same model, typical of earth system models, store less anthropogenic carbon in the Arctic Ocean and thus underestimate ocean acidification in the Arctic Ocean.
Final-revised paper