Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
Research article
06 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 06 Dec 2019

Biogenic isoprenoid emissions under drought stress: different responses for isoprene and terpenes

Boris Bonn, Ruth-Kristina Magh, Joseph Rombach, and Jürgen Kreuzwieser


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Short summary
The effect of soil water availability (SWA) on emissions of isoprenoids by trees was studied by setting up a parameterization from published data. SWA impact on isoprene emissions can be described by a growth type curve, while monoterpene emissions display a pattern reflecting plants’ stomata opening. Sesquiterpene fluxes tend to increase at the start of severe drought until resources decline. Feedbacks on atmospheric processes such as ozone and aerosol particles are further studied.
Final-revised paper