Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
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25 Sep 2020
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 25 Sep 2020

Increase in ocean acidity variability and extremes under increasing atmospheric CO2

Friedrich A. Burger, Jasmin G. John, and Thomas L. Frölicher

Data sets

Data used for figures and tables in "Increase in ocean acidity variability and extremes under increasing atmospheric CO2" Friedrich A. Burger

Short summary
Ensemble simulations of an Earth system model reveal that ocean acidity extremes have increased in the past few decades and are projected to increase further in terms of frequency, intensity, duration, and volume extent. The increase is not only caused by the long-term ocean acidification due to the uptake of anthropogenic CO2, but also due to changes in short-term variability. The increase in ocean acidity extremes may enhance the risk of detrimental impacts on marine organisms.
Final-revised paper