Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Research article
05 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 05 Feb 2020

Dissolved organic carbon mobilized from organic horizons of mature and harvested black spruce plots in a mesic boreal region

Keri L. Bowering, Kate A. Edwards, Karen Prestegaard, Xinbiao Zhu, and Susan E. Ziegler


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Short summary
We examined the effects of season and tree harvesting on the flow of water and the organic carbon (OC) it carries from boreal forest soils. We found that more OC was lost from the harvested forest because more precipitation reached the soil surface but that during periods of flushing in autumn and snowmelt a limit on the amount of water-extractable OC is reached. These results contribute to an increased understanding of carbon loss from boreal forest soils.
Final-revised paper