Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
23 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2021

Subalpine grassland productivity increased with warmer and drier conditions, but not with higher N deposition, in an altitudinal transplantation experiment

Matthias Volk, Matthias Suter, Anne-Lena Wahl, and Seraina Bassin

Data sets

Dataset for Subalpine grassland productivity increased with warmer and drier conditions, but not with higher N deposition, in an altitudinal transplantation experiment Matthias Volk, Matthias Suter, Anne-Lena Wahl, and Seraina Bassin

Short summary
Grassland ecosystem services like forage production and greenhouse gas storage in the soil depend on plant growth. In an experiment in the mountains with warming treatments, we found that despite dwindling soil water content, the grassland growth increased with up to +1.3 °C warming (annual mean) compared to present temperatures. Even at +2.4 °C the growth was still larger than at the reference site. This suggests that plant growth will increase due to global warming in the near future.
Final-revised paper