Research article
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01 Apr 2021
Research article |
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01 Apr 2021
Arctic Ocean acidification over the 21st century co-driven by anthropogenic carbon increases and freshening in the CMIP6 model ensemble
Jens Terhaar, Olivier Torres, Timothée Bourgeois, and Lester Kwiatkowski
Data sets
A new global interior ocean mapped climatology: the 1°×1° GLODAP version 2 (
S. K. Lauvset, R. M. Key, A. Olsen, S. van Heuven, A. Velo, X. Lin, C. Schirnick, A. Kozyr, T. Tanhua, M. Hoppema, S. Jutterström, R. Steinfeldt, E. Jeansson, M. Ishii, F. F. Perez, T. Suzuki, and S. Watelet