Articles | Volume 18, issue 11
Research article
04 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2021

Recent above-ground biomass changes in central Chukotka (Russian Far East) using field sampling and Landsat satellite data

Iuliia Shevtsova, Ulrike Herzschuh, Birgit Heim, Luise Schulte, Simone Stünzi, Luidmila A. Pestryakova, Evgeniy S. Zakharov, and Stefan Kruse

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Cited articles

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Biskaborn, B. K., Brieger, F., Herzschuh, U., Kruse, S., Prestakova, L., Shevtsova, I., and Zakharov, E.: Glacial lake coring and treeline forest analyses at the northeastern treeline extension in Chukotka, in: Russian-German Cooperation: Expeditions to Siberia in 2018, Berichte zur Polar-und Meeresforschung [Reports on polar and marine research], edited by: Kruse, S., Bolshiyanov, D., Grigoriev, M. N., Morgenstern, A., Pestryakova, L., Tsibizov, L., and Udke, A., 734, 139–147, Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research,, 2019. 
Short summary
In the light of climate changes in subarctic regions, notable general increase in above-ground biomass for the past 15 years (2000 to 2017) was estimated along a tundra–taiga gradient of central Chukotka (Russian Far East). The greatest increase occurred in the northern taiga in the areas of larch closed-canopy forest expansion with Cajander larch as a main contributor. For the estimations, we used field data (taxa-separated plant biomass, 2018) and upscaled it based on Landsat satellite data.
Final-revised paper