Articles | Volume 19, issue 19
Research article
12 Oct 2022
Research article |  | 12 Oct 2022

Multi-year observations reveal a larger than expected autumn respiration signal across northeast Eurasia

Brendan Byrne, Junjie Liu, Yonghong Yi, Abhishek Chatterjee, Sourish Basu, Rui Cheng, Russell Doughty, Frédéric Chevallier, Kevin W. Bowman, Nicholas C. Parazoo, David Crisp, Xing Li, Jingfeng Xiao, Stephen Sitch, Bertrand Guenet, Feng Deng, Matthew S. Johnson, Sajeev Philip, Patrick C. McGuire, and Charles E. Miller

Data sets

Global Fire Emissions Database J. T. Randerson, G. R. van der Werf, L. Giglio, N. Andela, and A. Halota,

OCO-2 Level 2 bias-corrected XCO2 and other select fields from the full-physics retrieval aggregated as daily files, Retrospective processing V9r OCO-2 Science Team/Michael Gunson, Annmarie Eldering

FluxSat J. Joiner

GOSIF GPP J. Xiao and L. Xing

Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) J. Muñoz Sabater

Short summary
Plants draw CO2 from the atmosphere during the growing season, while respiration releases CO2 to the atmosphere throughout the year, driving seasonal variations in atmospheric CO2 that can be observed by satellites, such as the Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2). Using OCO-2 XCO2 data and space-based constraints on plant growth, we show that permafrost-rich northeast Eurasia has a strong seasonal release of CO2 during the autumn, hinting at an unexpectedly large respiration signal from soils.
Final-revised paper