Articles | Volume 19, issue 21
Research article
02 Nov 2022
Research article |  | 02 Nov 2022

Pore network modeling as a new tool for determining gas diffusivity in peat

Petri Kiuru, Marjo Palviainen, Arianna Marchionne, Tiia Grönholm, Maarit Raivonen, Lukas Kohl, and Annamari Laurén

Data sets

Pore network modeling as a new tool for determining gas diffusivity in peat P. Kiuru, M. Palviainen, L. Kohl, A. Marchionne, and A. Laurén

Peat macropore networks – new insights into episodic and hotspot methane emission P. Kiuru, M. Palviainen, and A. Laurén

Short summary
Peatlands are large carbon stocks. Emissions of carbon dioxide and methane from peatlands may increase due to changes in management and climate. We studied the variation in the gas diffusivity of peat with depth using pore network simulations and laboratory experiments. Gas diffusivity was found to be lower in deeper peat with smaller pores and lower pore connectivity. However, gas diffusivity was not extremely low in wet conditions, which may reflect the distinctive structure of peat.
Final-revised paper