Articles | Volume 20, issue 11
Research article
13 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 13 Jun 2023

A process-based model for quantifying the effects of canal blocking on water table and CO2 emissions in tropical peatlands

Iñaki Urzainki, Marjo Palviainen, Hannu Hökkä, Sebastian Persch, Jeffrey Chatellier, Ophelia Wang, Prasetya Mahardhitama, Rizaldy Yudhista, and Annamari Laurén

Model code and software

Hydrology model and open data Iñaki Urzainki

Video supplement

WTD difference in dry and wet years for all parameters Iñaki Urzainki

Short summary
Drained peatlands (peat areas where ditches have been excavated to enhance crop productivity) are one of the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions globally. Blocking the ditches by building dams is a common strategy to raise the water table and to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions. But how effective is ditch blocking in raising the overall water table over a large area? Our work tackles this question by making use of the available data and physics-based hydrological modeling.
Final-revised paper