Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
21 Jun 2023
Research article |  | 21 Jun 2023

The fossil bivalve Angulus benedeni benedeni: a potential seasonally resolved stable-isotope-based climate archive to investigate Pliocene temperatures in the southern North Sea basin

Nina M. A. Wichern, Niels J. de Winter, Andrew L. A. Johnson, Stijn Goolaerts, Frank Wesselingh, Maartje F. Hamers, Pim Kaskes, Philippe Claeys, and Martin Ziegler


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Short summary
Fossil bivalves are an excellent climate archive due to their rapidly forming growth increments and long lifespan. Here, we show that the extinct bivalve species Angulus benedeni benedeni can be used to reconstruct past temperatures using oxygen and clumped isotopes. This species has the potential to provide seasonally resolved temperature data for the Pliocene to Oligocene sediments of the North Sea basin. In turn, these past climates can improve our understanding of future climate change.
Final-revised paper