Articles | Volume 20, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2023
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2023

Physical and stoichiometric controls on stream respiration in a headwater stream

Jancoba Dorley, Joel Singley, Tim Covino, Kamini Singha, Michael Gooseff, David Van Horn, and Ricardo González-Pinzón

Data sets

Resazurin tracer data from experiments in Colorado (2018) and Iowa (2019) R. Gonzalez-Pinzon

Short summary
We quantified how microbial respiration is controlled by discharge and the supply of C, N, and P in a stream. We ran two rounds of experiments adding a conservative tracer, an indicator of aerobic respiration, and nutrient treatments: a) N, b) N+C, c) N+P, and d) C+N+P. Microbial respiration remained similar between rounds and across nutrient treatments. This suggests that complex interactions between hydrology, resource supply, and biological community drive in-stream respiration.
Final-revised paper