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Effect of land-use legacy on the future carbon sink for the conterminous US
Benjamin S. Felzer
- Final revised paper (published on 06 Feb 2023)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 19 Oct 2022)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on bg-2022-208', Anonymous Referee #1, 07 Nov 2022
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Benjamin Felzer, 13 Dec 2022
(My responses are in the attached pdf file, but I copied them in here as well).
MS Title: Effect of land use legacy on the future carbon sink 1 for the conterminous U.S.
Author: Benjamin S.Felzer
General comment
The manuscript entitled "Effect of land use legacy on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S." by Benjamin S.Felzer assesses the effects of land use and land cover change (LULCC) from 1750 to 2014 using the Terrestrial Ecosystems Model (TEM) for the conterminous U.S. Comparing model outputs from four experiments, the author finds that LULCC legacy has a considerable impact on carbon pools and fluxes. While the topic is of general interest, I don’t follow the experimental design of the study. My primary concern is that the author combines meterological forcing data from one climate model (MPI-ESM-P 1750-1900) with quasi-observed data (CRU, 1901-2014) and climate projections from another model (CCSM4, 2015-2099) in one continuous simulation. Each data set comes with their own sets of biases. This lack of consistency will manifest as a forcing, causing changes in carbon fluxes. So the final signal is a combination of changes in environmental conditions, such as climate change, as well as the transition between inconsistent data sets. Also, one of the experiments (CONDENSED) has been re-equilibrated to the environmental conditions of 2015-2045. It remains unclear to me why the author chooses to equilibrate the model with projected climate conditions when trying to isolate the role of LULCC. I recommend that the author either adjusts the methods, or provides additional explanations that justify his approach. I recommend that the manuscript may be considered for publication in Biogeosciences after major revision.
Thank you for these comments.
The issue of combining multiple climate datasets is an interesting one. I believe it is important to use actual climate data (i.e. CRU4.04) rather than modeled climate data for the historical period when it is available. Otherwise, modeled climates will not capture the correct interannual variability – i.e. warm/cold years, wet/dry years when they actually occur. The modeled “data” may have the correct trend, but will not be correct on a year-to-year basis. It is absolutely critical that the future climate model data be downscaled and bias-corrected, which is why I chose to use the MACA datasets. While MACA was bias corrected using GRIDMET, that dataset starts in 1979 so does not provide a long historical period of data. However the resulting time series are continuous so there are no large biases. The decision to use modeled data prior to 1901, from 1750 to coincide with the period of LULCC, was not taken lightly, as I originally used a more traditional approach of using the first 30 years of the historical climate repeatedly for the period 1750-1901. However, when I published the precursor to this paper (Felzer et al., 2018) a reviewer took me to task for that approach (earlier review comment “It is also difficult to understand why the model was run from 1700 since climate data were not available until 1901. I would think climate before 1901 has affected the carbon cycle in the US and that effect cannot be reproduced by using a 19011930 average climate that includes big fire years around 1910 and the beginning of the drought of the 1930s. The little ice age is not represented well by the 19011930 average climate”). For that reason, I responded by finding a millennial simulation, and chose the model with the highest resolution, the MPI-ESM-P (I also had to stitch together the millennial and historical periods to go from 1750-1900). Importantly, I did my own downscaling and bias correction to ensure continuity of climate, which is evident in Figure S3. To thoroughly explain these issues to the reader, I added the following paragraph to the Experimental Design section (including 3 new references) – lines 230-241:
The decision to base climate prior to 1900, prior to the gridded historical data, was made to capture more realistic climate variations during the period from 1750 to 1900, such as the Little Ice Age (LIA), which lasted through the 19th century (Bradley and Jones, 1993; Mann, 2002). The temperature record from the MPI-ESM-P model does show signs of temperature climbing out of a cold peak after 1818 but remaining cool throughout the rest of the century (Figure S3), which is consistent with Northern Hemisphere proxy records (Mann et al., 2008). Since this study is for the conterminous U.S., it does not show as strong an LIA signal as would be expected from records in the North Atlantic. The decision to then use historical CRU4.04 climate rather than modeled climate from 1901-2014 is to more accurately capture the true interannual variability, which would be entirely lost by using output from a climate model. All three datasets have been downscaled and bias corrected to produce a seamless record of climate from 1750-2099.
The second point about equilibration period I agree warranted a model rerun of the CONDENSED experiment. The reviewer accurately points out that I should be using the prior 30 years to 2015, rather than the post 30 years, as the basis for equilibration. Therefore, I ran the dynamic equilibration from 1986-2015, and used that as the basis for the initial conditions of the CONDENSED experiment. This change is noted in the Experimental Design section (lines 249-250). The new results are now used in all the figures involving the CONDENSED run, and numerical values throughout the text changed, where necessary. This change did not significantly alter any of the results. Both old and new figures are present in the revised document, so the reviewer can confirm that the differences exist but are minor.
Detailed Comments
L19 It is common practice to account for LULCC that started during the pre-industrial period. For instance, the TRENDY model ensemble that informs the annual publication of the global carbon budget accounts for LULCC starting in the year 1701.
Thanks for the comment. I would say the industrial period begins with the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1860s. However, in my earlier study (Felzer and Jiang 2018) I did start the runs in 1700. I actually made a conscious decision to change the starting period of this study to 1750 to be consistent with the IPCC AR6 report, which generally uses 1750 as their baseline. I first realized this when reviewing a paper in which the authors started in 1750 and referred to it as some standard IPCC baseline, which is why I researched the issue further and decided to start in 1750 rather than 1701.
L41 To my understanding you don’t compare model output against observation-based reference data. I would therefore not write that "carbon stocks are overestimated". Instead, I would either describe how carbon stocks differ among experiments or expand the analysis by comparing results against observations.
Good point – fixed to read “The carbon stocks are larger than using all the cohorts if condensed cohorts …”. (line 41). I tried to correct this in other places as well.
L55 Replace "address" with "addresses".
L80 Would a carbon sink related to regrowth not be larger if disturbance rates reduce, rather than "continue"?
I went back to the Pugh et al. (2019) paper, and their meaning is if disturbance rates continue at 1981-2010 levels, so I added “continue at historical levels” (line 81).
L80 Spell out the FIA acronym.
L149 This section describes the different experiments (historical, restart, condensed, and temrestart) with respect to their initial values and whether they are based on the full or condensed version of the cohort. Please add how you treat LULCC, atmospheric CO2 concentrations, nitrogen deposition and nitrogen fertilization when describing each experiment, and include this information in the table.
I replaced the table to include these new items, as well as ozone. Note that more detail is in the references or in the references of the associated text.
L156 Please motivate why you condense the full cohorts to 1 cohort/PFT.
Added the following sentence: The motivation for these two condensed-PFT runs is to reduce computational time by eliminating the need to run potentially thousands of land-use legacy cohorts for each grid when starting from present-day conditions (lines 175-178).
L166 You write that "the difference between the RESTART and CONDENSED runs shows the effect of including land legacy on future carbon dynamics". The difference between both runs is that the CONDENSED run re-equilibrates using climate data from 2016-2045 (L210). If the CONDENSED run has been re-equilibrated, then it is also in equilibrium with respect to the meteorological forcing, CO2, and N deposition + fertilization that correspond to 20162045. How do you separate the impact of land legacy from these other factors then? Please clarify or adjust your method.
This is an interesting point. However, the idea is to start a model in present-day conditions, you either need to provide it initial conditions, as in the TEMRESTART run, or reinitialize somehow. Two approaches to reinitialization are to use the 30-year average climate from, say, 1986-2014, or use those years for a dynamic equilibration, as I have done. Other conditions, such as CO2, N deposition, N fertilization, and ozone, will be the values pertinent to those 30 years, as will, in fact, the climate. So, I think that is the appropriate and only way forward. CO2, N deposition, N fertilization, and ozone changes all really ramped up in the latter part of the 20th century, and were nonfactors for most of the prior period. I have added the sentences “Note that the RESTART run will also incorporate effects of changing climate, CO2, ozone, N deposition and fertilization, which cannot be captured in the CONDENSED run. (lines 179-181)” to acknowledge this point.
To separate out the effects of each would require factorial experiments running the model with only one factor, which is essentially what I did in the Felzer and Jiang (2018) study. However, to respond to this point further, I have done a new run (HISTCONST) in which land cover is held constant at 2014 values, so the difference between HISTORICAL and HISTCONST illustrates the effects of the other factors (note that since N fertilization is part of management, I do not list it along with N deposition when describing the environmental factors of change). I added this run into the Methods (lines 155-164) and Results (lines 275-285) sections, as well as included a new figure (Fig. 2) – that includes this run and another new run, HISTCOND, discussed below in response to the other reviewer.
L183 You Combine climate model data from one model, (MPI-ESM-P 1750-1900) with quasiobserved data (CRU, 1901-2014) and climate projections from another model (CCSM4, 2015-2099) in one continuous simulation. The more conventional approach is to conduct simulations that are either based on quasi-observed data or on data from one climate model. As for the quasi-observed climate data you could have used an early chunk of the historical data (e.g. 1901-1920) and spun up the model by iterating this climate data for whatever period it takes to equilibrate your model. This would have also freed you from the need of bias correction and downscaling MPI-ESM-P. The problem with your approach is that you combine data that come with their own set of biases and thereby mix the forcing from environmental factors with differences between these data sets. Please provide an explanation that justifies your experimental setup or adjust your method.
Please see explanation provided above.
L197 It would be more convincing if you had used radiation rather than cloud data for the historical period as well. The change in your method from one period to the next may create an unnecessary artificial forcing, which then mixes with the impact of climate change. Please justify your approach or adjust your method. T
This is a good point. However, net irradiance is not available in the CRU4.04 dataset, only clouds, which is why clouds were used. Added the following sentence: “The CRU4.04 data does not include irradiance, which is why it was necessary to use clouds for the historical period, but since net irradiance is more directly used by the model, that was chosen for the future period” (lines 221-223).
L210 You write that the CONDENSED run is first equilibrated based on repeated use of the 2016-2045 climate. It is not clear to me why you use projected future climate conditions to equilibrate your model. Please explain or adjust your method.
True – as explained above, I did adjust the methods to use 1986-2014, and reran the CONDENSED run as a result.
L211 Please define NCE before using the acronym.
Sorry, now defined, with added sentence, “NCE is the NEP plus carbon lost through land-use conversion or by decomposition of agricultural or timber harvest products.” (lines 252-254)
L218 Please mention in the text what experiments you are referring to.
I added (from HISTORICAL).
L238 You write that "reinitializing each grid is based on the assumption of NEP as close to zero". Should it not be Net Biome Productivity (NBP) rather than NEP that should be close to zero, as NBP also includes fluxes associated with disturbances, such as wildfires?
The TEM approach is to equilibrate NEP. In TEM (from McGuire et al. 2001), the NCE is the flux term that includes fluxes associated with disturbances. The equilibration procedure does not include disturbances, so that NEP = NCE during equilibration. This is an interesting point that I have long wrestled with – in fact, how to equilibrate a model with disturbances because you can’t just run the model for a set historical period with known disturbances, but have to run for hundreds of years to reach equilibration. The assumption itself that ecosystems can be in a state of equilibration is not true, but it is a necessary assumption to establish some baseline of initial conditions at some known starting year.
L275 Please explain why you expect that more mature forested in CONDENSED would have lower NEP. Also, please mention what period you are referring to. Finally, replace "mature forested" with "mature forests", if this is what you mean.
I have added two new references (Besnard et al., 2018; He et al., 2012), but the basic idea is that NEP reaches its peak in mid succession and eventually goes back toward 0 or slightly positive for mature trees. That is a good point about the time period, so I added the sentence “By the end of the century regrowing forests in the RESTART run will still be younger than those in CONDENSED run, and 85 years is not enough time to reach full equilibration in the model.” (lines 346-349). Corrected typo.
L278 The CONDENSED run has been re-equilibrated to the environmental conditions of 20152045. Is that not the main reason why vegetation carbon is 16% larger compared to the RESTART simulation? Also, I don’t recommend using the term bias here if you are not comparing against observation-based reference data (here and elsewhere).
Addressed this problem with the rerun of the CONDENSED experiment. Changed to “The larger values …” (line 351).
L280 Explain exactly what you mean by "fixes most of the problem".
Changed to “lowers the vegetation carbon so that it is close to that of using the full cohorts” (lines 353-355).
L364 A difference of 1.0% or 1.8% does not seem very large and may not even be statistically significant.
Good point. I looked at the last 30 years, and did a t-test at the 0.05 confidence level – turns out the CONDENSED rerun is not different but the TEMRESTART is, so changed sentence to: “The soil moisture of the CONDENSED run over the last 30 years is not statistically different from RESTART, while the TEMRESTART is 1.8% higher during that time period (Fig. 11a)” (line 444-447).
L391 I believe it is Chapin "III" et al. Also, this statement seems a little vague to me. Please explain what you mean.
Fixed, and added “such that more mature trees have higher amounts of vegetation carbon” (lines 475-476).
L411 Please mention what simulation you are referring to.
Added, “from the HISTORICAL run” (line 496).
L433 One reason why the modelled NEE IAV is smaller than observed may be related to the fact that your model does not represent mortality. That may be worth mentioning here as well.
I was actually trying to explain that the model does get within the correct range of measured IAV, and instead trying to point out that the entire time series shifts. Of course, if the values are still within the IAV, there are not significant changes. But I thought it still interesting to point out that the IAV did not change, only the means. If you feel this sentence should be removed, I can still do that.
L481 I assume that "models of the future" refer to models that that project future changes in vegetation dynamics? Please rephrase.
Changed to “models simulating the future” (lines 580-581).
L519 To decide whether a simulation is more realistic, you would need to evaluate your model output against some kind of observation-based reference data.
Changed to “achieve a result more consistent with a detailed representation of land-use cohorts. (lines 618-619)“
Table 1: Add information on how CO2, climate, and LULCC are treated in each experiment.
Figure01 The time axis covers the period 1750-2014. Why does the caption say that the curves corresponds to the HISTORICAL and RESTART run, if the RESTART run starts in 2015?
Sorry, my mistake – it’s just the HISTORICAL run.
S1b Please make larger to enhance readability.
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Benjamin Felzer, 13 Dec 2022
RC2: 'Comment on bg-2022-208', Anonymous Referee #2, 11 Nov 2022
This work examined how the initial state of the land surface affects simulated carbon cycles under an expected climate change. This is a kind of sensitivity analysis of a model because no systematic evaluation was conducted using observation-based data. Still, this work clarifies the importance of the initial state on simulations of transient changes in carbon pools and flux. I evaluate this model can be published in the BG if the author appropriately addresses the following issues.
Major issues
(1) This work evaluated results from only one model, "TEM-HYDRO2". Hence results are very model-specific. The author needs to discuss, at least, to what extent the finding in this work can be generalized.(2) Before applying the future climatic conditions, the CONDENSED run was first equilibrated by repeatedly inputting projected climate during 2016-2045 (Line 210). Why were future climatic conditions employed here? To let the model equilibrate at the year 2015 (as is indicated in table 1), climatic data during the last few decades before 2015 would be simply employed here.
(3) The manuscript lacks descriptions of the nature of the LULC data and how the model implemented it.
Minor issues
(4) Please unify model names. The present manuscript utilizes both "TEM-HYDRO2" and "TEM-Hydro" for the same model.(5) Words on some of the figures are too small. Please magnify them.
(6) Line 80
What is the "FIA" stands for?(7) Line 201 "Future CO2 data are taken from Meinshausen et al. (2020)."
Is this data correspond to the RCP8.5? The author needs to inform about it.(8) Line 212-214
Please clarify the difference between NCE and NEE in this work.(9) Line 342 "the amount available"
Does it mean "the amount of available inorganic nitrogen"?(10) Line 385 "NE U.S."
What it stands for?(11) Lines 423-424
Values here correspond to NEP or NCE?Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Benjamin Felzer, 13 Dec 2022
My responses are in the attached pdf, but I have copied them here as well.
Comment on bg-2022-208
Anonymous Referee #2
Referee comment on "Effect of land use legacy on the future carbon sink for the conterminous U.S." by Benjamin Seth Felzer, Biogeosciences Discuss.,, 2022
This work examined how the initial state of the land surface affects simulated carbon cycles under an expected climate change. This is a kind of sensitivity analysis of a model because no systematic evaluation was conducted using observation-based data. Still, this work clarifies the importance of the initial state on simulations of transient changes in carbon pools and flux. I evaluate this model can be published in the BG if the author appropriately addresses the following issues.
Major issues
(1) This work evaluated results from only one model, "TEM-HYDRO2". Hence results are very model-specific. The author needs to discuss, at least, to what extent the finding in this work can be generalized.
This is an interesting point. After reviewing the full suite of TRENDY models, which serves as a nice intercomparison of leading edge DGVMs, I add that none of them actually include forest demography, though they do include changes in fractional land cover based on the LUC dataset, as well as conversion and product fluxes. I mention that Shiavlokova et al. (2009) does include forest demography using a tiling approach. In response to this comment, I have added a new experiment, HISTCOND, in which I condense all the cohorts in a transient historical run so that it is somewhat analogous to what many of the other models are doing. This (and another new run referenced above as HISTCONST) are now in Figure 2, the Methods, Results, and Discussion. The key paragraph addressing this point in the Discussion is (lines 535-547):
Most other terrestrial ecosystem models do not include the effect of forest demography. The Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVM) included in Trends in Net Land–Atmosphere Exchange (TRENDY-v2) (Li et al., 2017) mostly include annual changes in PFTs to represent LULCC. They include the conversion and product fluxes resulting from these changes, and often include the effects of mortality and regrowth within existing grids, but do not incorporate the effects of forest regrowth due to LULCC. Two of the models (VISIT and JSBACH) (Kato et al., 2013; Reick et al., 2013) include elaborate methods of applying the LULCC transition matrices to ensure the correct redistribution of PFTs and correct carbon fluxes. Shevliokova et al. (2009) does use a tiling approach to consider forest stand age and reduce the large number of cohorts used here. The HISTCOND run was designed specifically to explore the effects of forest demography by trying to emulate the effect of just redistributing annual land-use fractions. As seen in the results, it does substantially overestimate the carbon stocks and underestimate the NEP compared to the run that includes the full effects of forest demography.
(2) Before applying the future climatic conditions, the CONDENSED run was first equilibrated by repeatedly inputting projected climate during 2016-2045 (Line 210). Why were future climatic conditions employed here? To let the model equilibrate at the year 2015 (as is indicated in table 1), climatic data during the last few decades before 2015 would be simply employed here.
Agreed – I reran the CONDENSE run to equilibrate from 1986-2014. I agree with this point and so it warranted a model rerun of the CONDENSED experiment. The reviewer accurately points out that I should be using the prior 30 years to 2015, rather than the post 30 years, as the basis for equilibration. Therefore, I ran the dynamic equilibration from 1986-2015, and used that as the basis for the initial conditions of the CONDENSED experiment. This change is noted in the Experimental Design section (lines 249-250). The new results are now used in all the figures involving the CONDENSED run, and numerical values throughout the text changed, where necessary. This change did not significantly alter any of the results. Both old and new figures are present in the revised document, so the reviewer can confirm that the differences exist but are minor.
(3) The manuscript lacks descriptions of the nature of the LULC data and how the model implemented it.
I too would have preferred a more thorough explanation of our cohort approach, which I originally had in the manuscript, but was told I had to remove it because it was self-plagiarizing. So, instead I referred to a paper with the detailed description (see below, as in the manuscript). The first paragraph of the methods references the LUH2 dataset.
A cohort approach is developed to convert a dataset of land use transitions (Hurtt et al. (2011; 2020) to annual cohorts of land use and land cover change (Hayes et al., 2011; Lu et al., 2015), whose purpose is to retain the soil characteristics of the cohort from which disturbance occurred and maintain appropriate growth and stand age of newly developed cohorts (Fig. S2a). A complete description of this approach can be found in Felzer and Jiang (2018) (lines 127-131).
Minor issues
(4) Please unify model names. The present manuscript utilizes both "TEM-HYDRO2" and "TEM-Hydro" for the same model.
Ok, I removed the acronym TEM-HYDRO2.
- Words on some of the figures are too small. Please magnify them.
I have redone all the figures with Time New Roman 12 (and 14 for the titles). This was particularly a problem for the legends, which were in 10-point font. When I copy and paste them into the document, and then resize them, the text may have gotten smaller. For the final version, I will be providing high quality files that should not have this problem.
- Line 80
What is the "FIA" stands for?
Added “Forest Inventory Analysis” (lines 81-82).
- Line 201 "Future CO2 data are taken from Meinshausen et al. (2020)." Is this data correspond to the RCP8.5? The author needs to inform about it.
Added “RCP8.5” but also fixed the reference to Meinshausen et al. (2011), so now reads: . Future RCP8.5 CO2 data are taken from CMIP5 recommendations (Meinshausen et al., 2011) (lines 225-227).
- Line 212-214
Please clarify the difference between NCE and NEE in this work.
Both reviewers had same comment – added sentence: “NCE is the NEP plus carbon lost through land-use conversion or by decomposition of agricultural or timber harvest products” (lines 252-254).
(9) Line 342 "the amount available"
Does it mean "the amount of available inorganic nitrogen"?
Yes, added “inorganic” (line 431).
- Line 385 "NE U.S." What it stands for?
- Lines 423-424
Values here correspond to NEP or NCE?
For NEP, so I clarified that, though the standard deviations are very close for NCE as well (line 509).
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Benjamin Felzer, 13 Dec 2022
Peer review completion

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