Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
15 Feb 2023
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2023

Faded landscape: unravelling peat initiation and lateral expansion at one of northwest Europe's largest bog remnants

Cindy Quik, Ype van der Velde, Jasper H. J. Candel, Luc Steinbuch, Roy van Beek, and Jakob Wallinga

Data sets

Data from: Faded landscape: unravelling peatland initiation and lateral expansion at one of NW-Europe’s largest bog remnants C. Quik, Y. Van der Velde, J. Candel, L. Steinbuch, R. Van Beek, and J. Wallinga

Short summary
In NW Europe only parts of former peatlands remain. When these peatlands formed is not well known but relevant for questions on landscape, climate and archaeology. We investigated the age of Fochteloërveen, using radiocarbon dating and modelling. Results show that peat initiated at several sites 11 000–7000 years ago and expanded rapidly 5000 years ago. Our approach may ultimately be applied to model peat ages outside current remnants and provide a view of these lost landscapes.
Final-revised paper