Articles | Volume 21, issue 7
Research article
10 Apr 2024
Research article |  | 10 Apr 2024

Hypoxia also occurs in small highly turbid estuaries: the example of the Charente (Bay of Biscay)

Sabine Schmidt and Ibrahima Iris Diallo

Data sets

Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate matter and fluorescence in surface waters of the Charente estuary (North East Atlantic, France) Sabine Schmidt and Ibrahima I. Diallo

Short summary
Along the French coast facing the Bay of Biscay, the large Gironde and Loire estuaries suffer from hypoxia. This prompted a study of the small Charente estuary located between them. This work reveals a minimum oxygen zone in the Charente estuary, which extends for about 25 km. Temperature is the main factor controlling the hypoxia. This calls for the monitoring of small turbid macrotidal estuaries that are vulnerable to hypoxia, a risk expected to increase with global warming.
Final-revised paper