Articles | Volume 21, issue 13
Research article
12 Jul 2024
Research article |  | 12 Jul 2024

High interspecific variability in ice nucleation activity suggests pollen ice nucleators are incidental

Nina L. H. Kinney, Charles A. Hepburn, Matthew I. Gibson, Daniel Ballesteros, and Thomas F. Whale

Data sets

Data for High interspecific variability in ice nucleation activity suggests pollen ice nucleators are incidental Nina L. H. Kinney et al.

Short summary
Molecules released from plant pollen induce the formation of ice from supercooled water at temperatures warm enough to suggest an underlying function for this activity. In this study we show that ice nucleators are ubiquitous in pollen. We suggest the molecules responsible fulfil some unrelated biological function and nucleate ice incidentally. The ubiquity of ice-nucleating molecules in pollen and particularly active examples reveal a greater potential for pollen to impact weather and climate.
Final-revised paper