Articles | Volume 17, issue 9
Research article
08 May 2020
Research article |  | 08 May 2020

Carbon dioxide dynamics in an agricultural headwater stream driven by hydrology and primary production

Marcus B. Wallin, Joachim Audet, Mike Peacock, Erik Sahlée, and Mattias Winterdahl

Data sets

Supplementary data for Carbon dioxide dynamics in an agricultural headwater stream driven by hydrology and primary production M. B. Wallin

Short summary
Here we show that small streams draining agricultural areas are potential hotspots for emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere. We further conclude that the variability in stream CO2 concentration over time is very high, caused by variations in both water discharge and primary production. Given the observed high levels of CO2 and its temporally variable nature, agricultural streams clearly need more attention in order to understand and incorporate these dynamics in large-scale extrapolations.
Final-revised paper