1. Does the paper address relevant scientific questions within the scope of BG? YES
2. Does the paper present novel concepts, ideas, tools, or data? YES
3. Are substantial conclusions reached? YES
4. Are the scientific methods and assumptions valid and clearly outlined? YES
5. Are the results sufficient to support the interpretations and conclusions? ALMOST; it would be more interesting if the conclusion would critically evaluate the limitations of the current model version rather than emphasising that the model was a success.
6. Is the description of experiments and calculations sufficiently complete and precise to allow their reproduction by fellow scientists (traceability of results)? YES
7. Do the authors give proper credit to related work and clearly indicate their own new/original contribution? YES
8. Does the title clearly reflect the contents of the paper? YES
9. Does the abstract provide a concise and complete summary? YES
10. Is the overall presentation well structured and clear? YES
11. Is the language fluent and precise? YES
12. Are mathematical formulae, symbols, abbreviations, and units correctly defined and used? YES
13. Should any parts of the paper (text, formulae, figures, tables) be clarified, reduced, combined, or eliminated? YES
14. Are the number and quality of references appropriate? YES
15. Is the amount and quality of supplementary material appropriate? YES
Dear authors,
Thank you for addressing the concerns raised by me and the other reviewer. Several points have now been clarified in the text (please do check the grammar, which is not flawless in the added sections). There are a few remarks that you have responded to only in your reply to us but not in the main text (e.g. my previous points 3b (horizontal water exchange), point C and D of reviewer 3 (autogenic processes leading to hummock formation and differences in moss hydraulic conductivity)). I think those are missed chances of improving the outlook section for your model. In general, I would appreciate a more explicit acknowledgment of the limitations of your model. After all, even if you managed to recreate some ´realistic´ patterns, several potentially important processes are still missing from the model, so you cannot be sure whether you produced these patterns for the right reasons. It is absolutely fine to start with a simple model (even if your main purpose is to `illustrate the reality´ L188 in your response) and to ´leave perfection for later´ (L70 in your response), but thereby it is helpful to line out the path to perfection (well, at least to a model in which the importance of additional processes has been tested) for the readers.
Also, I think there are two points (6 and 7) that I think you may have misunderstood, so that I will try to formulate them better here. I pasted my old remark and your reply in here to keep track of the context.
My previous point 6 and your reply:
As an important difference between your and previous models lies in the coupling to environmental fluctuations and stochasticity (L97-98), it would make sense to present a test of the importance of these processes to the model output. Would a simpler model provide similarly good results?
R: We believe that the main purpose of modelling is to illustrate the reality and
188 serve as a tool for systematic assessment of the processes. Simple community
189 models without individual-based processes implicitly weigh on generality and
190 forgive outliers. However, environmental fluctuation and extremes are becoming
191 more frequent and intensive with climate change, and this is likely to give
192 advantage to an otherwise unlikely change in peatland community. To help with
193 this situation, our modelling is able to populate outputs along a probability
194 distribution and allows assessing individuals with different trait combinations as a
195 part of the probabilities. As these models are fundamentally different in focuses
196 and underlying mechanisms, simply comparing the goodness of results seems
197 pointless.
My new comment: In this case I was not suggesting that you compare your model to previous, unrelated, models, but that you do tests with your own model, simplifying some processes and seeing if that degrades the results. E.g. instead of using realistic parameter distributions just use a random number generator to e.g. modify the length growth of individual shoots (grid cells). Instead of using realistic environmental fluctuations just use the smoothed mean monthly climate. These are just some examples, I am sure you can think of better ones.
Continuation of my previous comment: I would also be interested in seeing the effects of the water retention and photosynthetic water-response parameters separately. Especially since the parameters for the latter may suffer from some measurement artefacts.
R: This is a very appreciated comment. Our future goal is also to make the picture
204 clearer and understanding the factorial effects is a very important aspect. At the 205 moment, our data and techniques are insufficient to separate the different effects. 206 Therefore, model testing based on the parameters quantified by the “mixed”
207 information could be less informative, unless we have had improved measurement
208 data.
210 In addition, S. fallax and S. magellanicum are largely different in both water
211 retention and photosynthetic response to water stress. Further testing on species 212 either with similar water retention, or with similar photosynthetic response would 213 be more informative to this question.
My new comment: In my mind, a model is the perfect opportunity to pretend that your species are not different in both but just in one or the other aspect and to test the individual effects of these parameters. You would not have real data to validate the result, but that is not the point here. The point is to understand what these parameters do and what would happen with hypothetical species with these parameter combinations. For me, this type of test is what would constitute a `systematic assessment of the processes´ (L189 in your response).
My new comment regarding my previous point 7: I did not mean to say that module III is unimportant, but it is not evaluated in this paper (just used to create input data for the presented model modules), so it seems too much (therefore unbalanced) to spend several pages on explaining the details of module III. I would recommend moving this information to the supplement.
Additionally: Table 4, the sensitivity analysis: how do these 10% changes relate to the actual uncertainty in the parameter values? |