Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Research article
10 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 10 Mar 2021

Enhancement of the North Atlantic CO2 sink by Arctic Waters

Jon Olafsson, Solveig R. Olafsdottir, Taro Takahashi, Magnus Danielsen, and Thorarinn S. Arnarson


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Short summary
The Atlantic north of 50° N is an intense ocean sink area for atmospheric CO2. Observations in the vicinity of Iceland reveal a previously unrecognized Arctic contribution to the North Atlantic CO2 sink. Sustained CO2 influx to waters flowing from the Arctic Ocean is linked to their excess alkalinity derived from sources in the changing Arctic. The results relate to the following question: will the North Atlantic continue to absorb CO2 in the future as it has in the past?
Final-revised paper