Articles | Volume 18, issue 18
Research article
27 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 27 Sep 2021

Spatial and temporal variability of pCO2 and CO2 emissions from the Dong River in south China

Boyi Liu, Mingyang Tian, Kaimin Shih, Chun Ngai Chan, Xiankun Yang, and Lishan Ran

Data sets

Riverine CO2 Emission Datasets: Dongjiang River Boyi Liu

Short summary
Spatial and temporal patterns of pCO2 in the subtropical Dong River basin were mainly affected by C inputs and in-stream metabolism, both of which varied due to differential catchment settings, land cover, and hydrological conditions. CO2 fluxes in the wet season were 2-fold larger than in the dry season due to high pCO2 and turbulence caused by high flow velocity. The absence of high CO2 fluxes in small rivers could be associated with the depletion effect caused by abundant precipitation.
Final-revised paper