Review of Fung et al. : “Modeling the interinfluence of fertilizer-induced NH3 emission, nitrogen deposition, and aerosol radiative effects using modified CESM2”
I found the revised paper improved over the previous version, but still have some concerns. The introduction reads quite well and except for a few minor points looks good. The model description also well. The description of the model simulations and results were much clearer.
All line numbers refer to the version with author tracked comments.
Major Comments
1. The authors should carefully distinguish between fertilizer (referring to synthetic fertilizer and manure) and synthetic fertilizer. They should clearly state the difference. In some places it was rather confusing as to what the authors were referring. Instances are referred to below. This should be easily remedied.
It appears that Fig. 2 is probably only from synthetic fertilizers, yet the caption says “fertilizer induced” which would imply manure also? The numbers from MESAGE look like they are from synthetic fertilizer, but it is not clear how one obtains synthetic fertilizer emissions from EDGAR and CMIP6. To my knowledge those latter inventories give agricultural soil manure emissions which include manure, fertilizer and grazing emissions. To what extent does the added manure in the present manuscript represent the grazing component?
2. Using a constant manure fertilization rate is somewhat surprising as there are global distributions of manure application (e.g., Zhang et al., 2017). The rate incorporated (2 g-N s–1) was presumably used in the CLM so crops would grow even in regions where synthetic fertilizer was lacking. This rate does not seem appropriate to represent the regional distribution of manure fertilizer for emissions. Presumably using a constant rate implies that crops in regions largely fertilized largely with synthetic fertilizer the added nitrogen is much higher than reality? Thus the detailed comparison between the various inventories and CAM4_CLM5_2000 is difficult to interpret. Is this due to the emission scheme or due to a simplistic estimate of applied manure? You might compare the manure N rates used here to those from an established inventory. The units here don’t make sense for added manure don’t makes sense: 2 g-N s–1.
3. It is difficult to understand how the authors set up the sensitivity simulations. It is very important to clearly define the simulation one is assessing the sensitivity against so as to interpret the results.
For the deposition rates the paper states: “The deposition rates were prescribed in the default configuration and dynamically computed by CAM4-chem in our version.” (l199-l201). It appears then in both CAM4_CLM5_CLIM_2000 and CAM4_CLM5_CLIM_2050 the deposition rates are the same and taken from the CAM4_CLM5 assuming 2000- level fertilization (Table 1), where I take it that CAM4_CLM5 has fixed deposition. Since the lifetime of NH3 and NH4+ in the atmosphere is short the deposition should be equal to the emissions on an annual basis. So by comparing the depositions in these model runs the authors are essentially comparing the emissions in the interactive model (CAM4_CLM5_CLIM) and the implied emissions in CAM4_CLM5. This comparison does not seem to get at the importance of interactive emissions, but at the difference between the different emissions, which would not be expected to be the same. A quantification of the effect of interactive emissions in the CAM4_CLM5_CLIM simulations have on the emissions themselves (through deposition) seems difficult. At any rate from the explanations in the paper I don’t see how it was done.
Likewise for aerosols it appears that the “NH3-induced aerosols would be inactive” (l578). This seems to imply that this aspect is just examining the importance of a simulation with NH3-induced aerosols to one without. The differences, then, between these simulations have little to do with interactive emissions, but with including ammonia emissions at all. This could have been done, just as well, with fixed emission inventories. Moreover, it is unclear what is assumed with regard to sulfate aerosols – I assume it is only the ammonium nitrate aerosols that are impacted.
Minor points.
-l30 “disrupts” – not sure what this means in the current context
-l97-99 “near real time high-resolution maps of atmospheric NH3”. The maps shown in Van Damme et al., 2018 are time averaged over a rather long periods. Are near real time maps of satellite NH3 really accurate?
-l108 “agricultural emissions”. It would be good to define these precisely. As used does this term include emissions from both manure management (mostly from barns and storage) and from agricultural soils (which includes grazing animals, manure spreading onto pastures and other cropland and synthetic fertilizer emissions)?
-l139-l144 Vira et al., 2020 and Vira et al. 2021 also used the CESM.
-l153 ‘DNDC’ is just kind of thrown in there. Please give the abbreviation, plus maybe a short introduction to the model
-l200 All deposition N is added as NH4+. Is there a reference for this? Lawrence et al. (2020) does not seem to document this (although maybe I missed it).
-Were interactive soil NOx emissions included in these simulations? Or were they fixed.
-l258 “ evaluated the uncertainty” to pH. Please provide a brief summary of the findings in the main part of the paper
-l260-265 this explanation should probably be included after equation (7), not before it.
-l301-303 “dividing soil NH3 emission rate by s10 gives an approximate in-canopy NH3 concentration, and multiplying the latter with vc and L produces an estimated quantity of NH3 retained by the canopy”. This is not obvious to me – is there a reference or can you clarify?
-l322 “we substituted the portion of NH3 emission associated with synthetic fertilizer”. This is confusing. Why just synthetic fertilizer when you are considering both synthetic fertilizer and manure. And according to Hoesly et al. (2018) sectors in CEDS includes Agricultural Manure-management and Soil-emissions. I don’t see how you can subtract out synthetic fertilizer. Moreover, soil emissions usually include manure spreading on pastures and grazing animals. The latter two are not included in the author’s estimate, correct? Additional clarification is necessary here.
-l342, are the effects of atmospheric reactive nitrogen on ozone or methane included?
-l358 “change in annual emission fluxes <=10%” - does this mean the long-term trend is less than 10% or the interannual variability. A long term trend of 10% seems rather significant.
-l401 “one-third are fertilizer-associated”. First, please clarify what is meant by fertilizer here: synthetic fertilizer or synthetic and manure fertilizers. It might be helpful to explain the emission sectors from the inventories.
-Table 3 should clearly state where the numbers are estimated and where they are straight from the inventory. It should be possible to put some error bounds on these numbers from the literature.
-l421 Vira et al (2020) gives the contribution from synthetic fertilizer which I think you are comparing against.
-Since ammonia emissions from manure dominate over those from synthetic fertilizer, and the inventories give emissions from agricultural soils why aren’t the combined manure, synthetic fertilizer emissions being compared.
-l480-483. This is confusing. EDGAR contains manure management.
-l618 It is unclear how ”the warmer temperature …. allows crops to reach maturity sooner, hence, shortening their grain filling periods” leading to reduced N uptake. The relation between the processes is not clear to me. It is unclear to me the extent to which this hypothesis is supported.
-l671-672 “These new features enabled CESM2 to perform, for the first time, a more reliable estimation of soil NH3 emission and atmospheric NH3 concentration than using constant emission inventory values under dynamic climate and environmental conditions.” Vira et al. (2021) also included the coupling between soil and atmosphere.
-l706: “We did not include manure application”. I thought manure application was indeed included.
-l720 There are global pH datasets that can be used!
Hoesly, et al. (2018) Historical (1750–2014) anthropogenic emissions of reactive gases and aerosols from the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS), Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 369–408,
Van Damme, et al. (2018) Industrial and agricultural ammonia point sources exposed. Nature 564, 99–103.
Vira, J., et al. (2020) An improved mechanistic model for ammonia volatilization in Earth system models: Flow of Agricultural Nitrogen version 2 (FANv2). Geoscientific Model Development, 13(9), 4459–4490.
Vira, J., et al. (2021) Evaluation of interactive and prescribed agricultural ammonia emissions for simulating atmospheric composition in CAM-Chem, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2021.
Zhang et al. (2017) Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 667–678, 2017 |