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The carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain – informed by earth observations
Thomas Luke Smallman
Mathew Williams
- Final revised paper (published on 06 Sep 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 14 Jun 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'RC Comment on bg-2021-144', Katja Klumpp, 08 Jul 2021
The manuscript (” The carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain constrained by earth observations”, shows the potential of uses of high-resolution frequently-retrieved satellite data (earth observation, EO) combined to biogeochemical modelling, for estimate grassland C balance under different management practices and climatic years. In brief, authors used a parsimonious process-model (C pools, and fluxes ) of grassland C dynamics (DALEC-Grass) which was integrated into a probabilistic model-data fusion (MDF) algorithm (CARDAMOM). CARDAMOM generates field-specific calibrations of DALEC-Grass by assimilating satellite based LAI time series. In an earlier study the Cardamom has been validated against an extensive dataset in Scotland and South West England. In the present manuscript, the MDF algorithm was applied for a sample of 1855 managed grassland fields in GB (England, Wales and Scotland) over two years (i.e. 2018 summer heat and ≈ 1° C warmer than summer 2017) and by uses of UK Land Cover Map for grasslands. The DALEC –grass is driven by six meteorological drivers (Tmin, Tmax, Radiation, CO2, VPD) obtained by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), and was initialized with SOC values (0- 60cm depth) at 300m resolution of SoilGrids database. The basic agricultural practices agricultural (animal number) were obtained from the EDINA AgCensus data base (i.e. 5km grid,AgCensus, 2020). Detailed grassland management such as grazing intensity, cutting timing, are simulated by DALEC-Grass for every field using a local model calibration. In this study CARDAMON estimates were compared to biomass utilisation from the relevant literature and livestock density data from recent agricultural census data. Authors assed 4 objectives , i) detections of grassland management variability by satellite EO products (LAI), ii) estimation of subsequent C balance of managed grasslands , iii) possible indicators allowing to predicted C balance and biomass removals in grazed grassland and iv) analytical uncertainty on C balance and biomass removals of model simulations.
Results show that the CARDMOM algorithm was able to effectively assimilate the Sentinel-2 based LAI time series (overlap=80%, RMSE=1gCm− 2 , bias=0.35 gCm− 2 ) and predict livestock densities per area that correspond with independent census-based data (r=0.68). According to estimates, grassland ecosystems were a sinks of C (net biome exchange, NBE) of -232 ± 94 and for 2018 was -120 ± 103 gCm− 2 y− 1 in 2017 and 2018. The lower 2018 numbers were associated to the summer drought which reduced C sinks.
The manuscript is an interesting assessment of the uses of EO-model ensemble for grasslands. The four objectives a most relevant as grassland vegetation and in particular grazing is difficult to distinguish by EO. Accordingly, this study well presents how, by fusing earth observation data and biogeochemical modelling, allows to determine C fluxes (balance) of managed grassland in GB. Likewise, the manuscript shows that the MDF framework (EO-model-algorithm ensemble) can detect biomass removals and use them to predict grassland C fluxes and balance. The manuscript is worth to be published but would need some clarification in the MM section to help the reader to get through. The discussion part could to my opinion be a bit more lively. According to my below comments I recommend “Revisions”
General comments .
The paper is well written and comprehensible, once the reader has understood which module/sub calculation and inputs, flows into which estimate (which inputs are predicted/extrapolated, databases, ..). Accordingly, I was wondering if a flow chart /scheme would help to guide the reader though the “model simulation”; i.e allowing to distinguish between “hard/real” data inputs from databases, (soil grid, management practices Edina AgCenesus and meteo) and those which are “elaborated” EO LAI data and how the feed into each other…
There is very little description on the Cardamom simulation outputs (the biochemical model itself) and I was somehow surprised to read “spatial distribution of MDF-predicted GPP, REco, NEE, NBE, removed biomass and C flux into SOC… “ in the result section. I suggest to add some more details on model outputs in the MM; (E.g. L122 …to calculate primary productivity (GPP), autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration , Reco).
The MM section (L133ff) misses some description on how C balance is estimated, and on how Cardamom accounts for/ estimates (or not) C sequestration??, as some of the results are difficult to understand (e.g. L314 ; “The rate of C inputs to soil does not account for the loss of C from the SOC pool”). Along the manuscript I missed some explanation on the difference between C sequestration and NBE??
-As well as how to get from one term to the other ect. (E.g. Why harvest is not removed in the NBE Table1, L371ff), as to my understanding NBE= NEE-harvest+manure. In short, C balance, used terms and NBE vs. SOC changes (C Sequestration), needs clarification in MM and not only in the abbreviations!.
The same was for manure. Where did Manure come from and how Cardamom accounted for Manure (C/and N) ? EDINA database? (see L368)
The beginning of the discussion section (4.1) is a bit sparely being a description of key results, instead of a discussion on possible improvements; assumption/hyps which have been too “shallow/severe” (e.g. … in the MDF, RF, ) in DALEC-Grass.
– Personally I would add the section of Limitation of the approach and opportunities (e.g. SWOT) here. As well as suggestions, what can be modified and what we can learn? However, these sections are standalone at the end of the manuscript, and I wonder if they should/can be moved to the corresponding sections (at the top of the discussion instead of 4.4 uncertainty and 4.5 limitation), which would make them more complete for the reader.
Having said this, the section on C balances need more discussion on the limits of the study, the usefulness for national inventories (i.e. NBE vs. SOC changes see section future work), ….
I am not quite sure the cited studies (L390ff) were interpreted in the right direction. Accordingly, it is very important that authors indicate throughout the manuscript how to read their numbers with respect to C source and sinks and negative/positive signs, respectively
Specific comments
L 87 may be cite : Pique et al 2020 Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2967; doi:10.3390/rs12182967
L 134ff: “At each time step the algorithm reads the vegetation reduction information and decides whether to simulate the corresponding … “ this is not quite clear and I wonder of a flowchart will help? What is the time step? Do you mean management practices comeing from Edina AgCenesus . If yes please refer to section 2.1.5
L209 a set of 2108 fields (Fig, ??). number missing
L175 “and a temporal resolution of 10 days (?). “ information missing?
L 199 personally I find the title misleading, I suggest “2.2.1 Sampling of grassland fields from landcover map”
L212ff “To assess the effectiveness of the LAI assimilation process we quantify the level of fit between MDF-predicted and EO-based time-series using …” Until now I did not get that Cardamom estimates LAI (see L 141 and L241) put is used this as an input. Seems I have missed a point. Can authors please clarify. (eg in a scheme?)
L234 “The estimated SHAP values are normalised (0-1) to be comparable to r 2 .” So 1 would be very good ? and what is the number for low fitting (ie limit of SHAP)
L235 and L 331ff “RCR is equal to the size of the MDF-predicted 95% confidence interval divided by the corresponding…” please help the reader to get the number in the right way. eg RCR is 42 ± 9% for LAI, means the uncertainty of LAI is 43% so very high? Or very low? With respect to which best value?
We L252 “mirrored the census-based livestock density data well” please add the name of the DB ( EDINA?) so that reader can follow
L280 ff please help reader to get if a number is a sink or source of C??? (… NBE of fields dominated by cutting was 38 ± 70 gCm− 2 y− 1 while fields with more grazing had a NBE of -126 ± 95 gCm− 2 y− 1 ..)
L363 please mentation that these a flux tower measurements
L393-398 move to the corresponding section L
L370 there are number of other papers having used NBE estimate potential C sequestration Soussana et al 2011, Zeemann et al , Hoertnagel et al. Merbold et al
L416 “conclude that management is more important than climate in terms of the C balance of managed grasslands in GB.” --do authors have a citation which confirm/underline this interpretation
L435-44 suggest to move to the L355ff? keep only L441 - 448
Table1 can authors add grazing and cutting
Table 2. Normalised SHAP, is 0.3 acceptable? Please add some indication to help the reader
legend Table 1. please help reader to get if a number is a sink or source of C???
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Vasileios Myrgiotis, 19 Aug 2021
Reply on general comments:
We would like to thank the reviewer for their comments. We undestand that our methodology section (as is) does not describe how data and modelling were used in a clear manner; and this concern is shared among the three reviewers.
We will revise the methodology section by adding new text, by including flow charts of how data are used and by describing how the DALEC-Grass model works in more detail. We will also add a section in materials and methods that clarifies the C accounting terminology and what every related abbreviation refers to. We will also ensure that the reader is always reminded the sign convention i.e. that "-" before an NEE/NBE value shows a C sink and "+" a C source . In this context, three new figures that we propose to include in the revised manuscript are attached here ( Moreover, we will expand the text on limitations and possible solutions and discuss some options such as the this reviewer's suggestion on coupling (or incorporating) soil water models with DALEC-Grass.
Replies on specific comments:
Comment : The same was for manure. Where did Manure come from and how Cardamom accounted for Manure (C/and N) ? EDINA database? (see L368)
Reply : Manure production is estimated on the basis of simulated grazed biomass. 32% of the simulated grazed biomass is converted to manure and added to the litter pool. As it is impossible to infer the type/age/weight of animals grazing a field using satellite imagery this conversion factor is an average for dairy/beef cattle and sheep based on UK and northwest european data. We will clarify this part in the revised document and provide references for the conversion factors for the grazed biomass. Conversion factors (shown as % of grazed biomass) are presented in the attached DALEC-Grass schematic.
Comment (L 134ff) : “At each time step the algorithm reads the vegetation reduction information and decides whether to simulate the corresponding … “ this is not quite clear and I wonder of a flowchart will help? What is the time step? Do you mean management practices comeing from Edina AgCenesus . If yes please refer to section 2.1.5
Reply : We understand that this part is not clear. The process of deciding whether a vegetation reduction value (vegetation reduction is model input driver) will be simulated as grazing, cutting or not simulated at all is described in Myrgiotis et al (2021). Inferring management and predicting sub-field scale C dynamics in UK grasslands using biogeochemical modelling and satellite-derived leaf area data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, 108466. We will expand the model-description text to explain the way this is done.
Comment (L212ff) : “To assess the effectiveness of the LAI assimilation process we quantify the level of fit between MDF-predicted and EO-based time-series using …” Until now I did not get that Cardamom estimates LAI (see L 141 and L241) put is used this as an input. Seems I have missed a point. Can authors please clarify. (eg in a scheme?)
Reply : We understand that the lack of clear description of the use of data in the materials and methods section has caused problems. We believe that new text and figures will help the readers understand better what the model-data fusion (MDF) framework does and how DALEC-Grass is used as part of the framework. The framework is used to implement the model and provide the predictions for the presented variables we, therefore, refer to "MDF-predictions" and not "model-predictions" to reflect this fact.
Comment (L235 and L 331ff ) : RCR is equal to the size of the MDF-predicted 95% confidence interval divided by the corresponding…” please help the reader to get the number in the right way. eg RCR is 42 ± 9% for LAI, means the uncertainty of LAI is 43% so very high? Or very low? With respect to which best value?
Reply : The relative confidence range (RCR) presents the uncertainty around the MDF-predicted variables (e.g. LAI) as a %. It shows how wide the 95% confidence intervals (i.e. 2 standard deviations, assuming normality) are relative to the mean value. The cartogram shows the distribution or RCR across Great Britain and the violin plots the distribution or RCR grouped according to whether grazing or cutting was the main removal method (i.e. most biomass was removed via grazing or via cutting). The assimilated LAI data come from processing Sentinel-2-based images (20m resolution) and have an uncertainty attached to them. This means that every 400m2 of a field has an uncertainty that is attributed to "instrument error" (remote sensor). This uncertainty is not always examined in the relevant literature but studies suggest a value 15%; the standard deviation around each LAI data point per 400m2 is 15% of the value which converted to RCR is 30%. We use a field-mean LAI for each simulated field which means that uncertainty is amplified when we calculate a field-average LAI. Taking this fact into account and considering that MDF predictions incorporate model parametric uncertainty a mean LAI RCR = ~40-50% is proportional to the observational uncertainty. This is not discussed in sufficient detail in the manuscript and we will revise accordingly.
Comment on suggested references to include. Reply : These are interesting and very relevant studies that we will include as references in the revised manuscript.
AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Vasileios Myrgiotis, 19 Aug 2021
RC1: 'Comment on bg-2021-144', Anonymous Referee #1, 17 Jul 2021
The authors presented a modelling framework to simulate the carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain for the year 2017 and 2018. The framework is consist of a biogeochemical model DALEC-Grass, a model-data fusion (MDF) framework CARDAMOM. The authors introduced two sets of earth-observation (EO) data to constrain and optimize the modelling framework. They further applied the framework to infer grassland management across the GB, and further predicted the carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain for the year 2017 and 2018. The topic is interesting, and the proposed framework is useful, especially for inferring grassland vegetation management across a region. However, the current description of the Materials and methods are not clear, which prevent making further assessment of the quality of this study. Here is the list of my major concerns:
1) It is not clear why and how the two sets of remote-sensed LAI were used in the study. I would think both are EO-based data. It seems that CGLS LAI were used as input to DALEC-Grass, while Sentinel-2 LAI were used in CARDAMOM to optimize parameters of the DALEC-Grass model. As one set of LAI was used as input, it will not be surprise the modelling framework can give reasonable LAI against LAI from another dataset. I would suggest the authors to clarify the reason and the necessity of using the two sets of EO-based data.
2) After going through the Materials and methods section, it is still not clear e.g., how the different models/frameworks were connected; how and where the EO-based data were used; how the model parameters were optimized; how the C fluxes were estimated. A flowchart represents all the inputs, model connections, and outputs with step-by-step procedures will be very helpful.
3) It is not clear how grazed/cut events (as a critical result of this study and an important component of the C budget) were identified, and grazed/cut biomass was simulated. These are the most interesting and important part of this study. This part of the methodology may need more details. An example of i) the variations of original EO-based LAI, modelled LAI, associated C fluxes, ii) how exactly the grazed/cut events were identified, iii) how “mostly grazed” and “mostly cut grasslands” were differentiated is necessary.
4) The components of C budget were only very briefly mentioned. It is not clear how each component was estimated. Especially for manure, I can not find how it was estimated (or derived from another dataset).
In addition, it seems that the manuscript was not carefully checked before submission. There are plenty of “i.e. …”,“?”, “??” in the text (e.g., L80, L91, L175, L209, L231, L298, L374 etc.) that looks like unsolved comments from the authors, and the manuscript is not taken seriously at all. Such mistakes should not be presented in a submission for peer review.
Specific comments:
- How the sampling of grassland fields can result in only 1-5 simulated fields per cell?
- What are the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) method and the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm? What is the difference between them.
- For Fig. 2 and 4, it will be very useful to show not only the absolute values/biases, but also fraction of bias or (mean of MDF-predicted – census) / census, and maybe discuss the reason of bias. For Fig. 4, it might give insights on the mismatch due to the different years of prediction and census.
- How the mean C fluxes across the GB were calculated? Area weighted? If so, how? Whether the selected points are representative for all grassland grid cells?
- It would be necessary to provide the maps of rough grazing, permanent and temporary grassland, and the maps of resulted management type (e.g., grazed only field or grazed + cut field), grazed, and cut biomass for users to understand the management intensity.
- It is strange that NEE/NBE were negatively related to both GPP and REco.
- As the uncertainty for LAI is nearly half of mean LAI, the robustness of the prediction should be further discussed.
- “Mostly grazed” and “mostly cut grasslands” were not explained before results section.
- Paragraph started from L409: It seems that the second assumption is not an assumption but observed phenomena. The logic of the discussion here is hard to understand. Why the C source/smaller sink caused by drought in 2018 can infer management is more important than climate?
- All the abbreviations will need to be explained in the main text in addition to the “Abbreviations” in the beginning.
Minor remarks:
L12: For RMSE and bias for LAI, should they be m2m-2?
L15: NEE and NBE for 2017 and 2018 respectively should have 4 values rather than 2.
L265: “temporary” grassland?
L279: “ny” should be “by”?
L272: Gridded spatial pattern in SI would be very helpful to understand the gradient of first cut across GB.
L294: What is met driver?
L302: Why such interesting results were not presented?
L309: Why cut would reduce root-shoot ratio? Please explain.
L313-314: It is hard to understand the logic of this sentence.
Figure 7: Given the same r for A-B and B-A, half of the figure (i.e., a tri-angle of the r map) will be enough.
L356-360: The authors argued two reasons for the under-representation of cut-only grasslands. But it is not clear from the text, how these two reasons will cause the under-representation. The last sentence of this paragraph is very hard to understand.
L367: Who is the first author of “et al., 2011”?
L384-387: The logic is not clear here. Grazing is also continually reduce aboveground biomass, and theoretically, the same as cut ones, the model should also allocate more C to aboveground tissues. Then how cut sites have lower root-shoot ratio? Is there any evidence?
L426: Again, the maps of grazed only and cut+grazed grid cells were not given. People can not see what the authors mean without such maps.
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on RC1', Vasileios Myrgiotis, 03 Sep 2021
Response to general comments :
We would like to thank the reviewer for their comments. We would also like to apologise for the presence of many “?” in the submitted manuscript. These are not unresolved comments. They are certain references to the literature (and manuscript figs/tables) that the LaTex-based software, which was used to produce the manuscript, failed to print in the submitted pdf file.
This reviewer shares the concern of the other two reviewers regarding the clarity of the materials and methods section. We propose to revise the entire materials and methods section by adding new text and figs. We have attached here 2 figures that will be used to show (1) how the data and the model are used in the study and (2) a schematic of the DALEC-Grass model.
Comment 1 : It is not clear why and how the two sets of remote-sensed LAI were used in the study…
Response : The ESA sentinel-2 mission provides optical imagery every 5-10 days at high resolution (10/20/60m). This means in-field vegetation management can be inferred from satellite data and can be simulated using the inferred information. DALEC-Grass is implemented in this study on a weekly time step. This means that an estimate of standing vegetation (or a proxy of it) at the beginning and at the end of every simulated week is needed in order for the model to simulate : either (1) no vegetation removal or (2) vegetation removal via grazing or (3) vegetation removal via cutting. In places with frequent cloud coverage, such as the UK, there is no guarantee of weekly cloud-free Sentinel-2-based data; and therefore of weekly LAI and vegetation reduction estimates. Interpolating between the available Sentinel-2 data is one way to deal with gaps in the required weekly time series. We argue that in the CGLS LAI time series : (1) this interpolation is done in a robust way i.e. machine learning-based filling of no-data (cloud, haze, shadow-covered) pixels using information from past years and/or neighbouring pixels; and (2) provides information on vegetation biomass obtained from a different satellite mission (Proba-V) in addition to Sentinel-2. Also, we argue that the “predictive accuracy cost” caused by low spatial resolution (300m) of the CGLS vegetation reduction data is smaller than the respective cost of applying interpolation methods (eg linear interpolation) on the Sentinel-2 time series. This is because for many UK locations and certain key periods like spring and summer (when cutting typically takes place) there could be very few cloud-free images available from Sentinel-2.
Comment 2 : After going through the Materials and methods section, it is still not clear e.g., how the different models/frameworks were connected; how and where the EO-based data were used; how the model parameters were optimized; how the C fluxes were estimated.
Response : Our proposal to revise the materials and methods using new text and schematics will include the provision of details on these aspects.
Comment 3 : It is not clear how grazed/cut events (as a critical result of this study and an important component of the C budget) were identified, and grazed/cut biomass was simulated.
Reponse: Indeed, we do not describe this process in detail. A recent paper (, that we refer to in the manuscript (L132), presents the process but we propose to revise the manuscript by adding a paragraph that will describe how the grazing-vs-cutting inference works.
Vegetation reduction model inputs tell the model how much LAI should be removed during every simulated week. Through the model-data fusion algorithm the Sentinel-2-based LAI value at the beginning of every simulated week (before any vegetation removals) is assimilated i.e. the satellite-observed LAI should fit with the simulated LAI as closely as possible. The model decides whether to simulate each weekly vegetation reduction input as grazing or cutting based on the facts that : 1) cutting should remove at least 1.5 t.DM.ha-1 to be worth implementing in grassland farming; 2) cutting can only occur between May and October; and 3) whatever the model simulates should lead to a “good” fit with the Sentinel-2-based LAI data not only for the examined week but for the preceding and following weeks (since the entire observed LAI time series is assimilated). This mechanism of vegetation removal-type inference allows us to detect and simulate cutting by relying on observations and biophysical modelling rather than on statistical analyses of observational data alone. For this reason every predicted cutting date/intensity per simulated field has probability/uncertainty attached to it. This uncertainty reflects the lack of continuous EO-based data since neither the CGLS nor the Sentinel-2 LAI data products are frequent enough i.e obtained every 2-3 days. Our long term aim is to produce such continuous EO data as the only way to drastically reduce the uncertainty around cutting timing and intensity.
Comment 4 : The components of C budget were only very briefly mentioned. It is not clear how each component was estimated. Especially for manure, I cannot find how it was estimated (or derived from another dataset).
Response : We propose the addition of a materials and methods section (and a schematic) that will clarify all C-balance terms so that that the reader understands what each term means before reaching the results section. On the manure inputs issue, manure-C is estimated based on grazed biomass (see attached DALEC-Grass schematic). We do not simulate/consider external manure transport/addition as this cannot be inferred from EO data and doing so will require us to use spatially/temporally uncertain data on manure use e.g. national-scale estimates of manure application per ha. All the manure that is simulated as being added to the soil is produced by the simulated grazing livestock using conversion factors from the relevant literature (see attached DALEC-Grass schematic). This mechanism will be clarified in “Materials and Methods / DALEC-Grass”.
Response to specific comments
Comment : How the sampling of grassland fields can result in only 1-5 simulated fields per cell? Response : Each cell varies in size depending on the number of simulated fields within it. Larger cells include more fields. The smallest cells in the presented cartograms include just 1 simulated field.
Comment : What are the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) method and the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm? What is the difference between them. Response : Considering this issue in the manuscript will require significant text space. We propose adding a brief description of the simulated annealing technique and removing any reference to Metropolis-Hastings since readers interested in MCMC algorithms can find details in 10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102907 (which is among our references)
Comment : How the mean C fluxes across the GB were calculated? Area weighted? If so, how? Whether the selected points are representative for all grassland grid cells? Response : GB-average C fluxes show the mean cumulative annual values across all simulated fields. We argue that the ~2000 simulated fields are representative as they are randomly sampled from a geo-database (UK land cover map) of grassland fields (polygons). The process used for sampling the fields (section 2.2.1) ensures that areas with large managed grassland coverage are more represented than areas with small managed grassland coverage. Strictly speaking, we would have to (1) draw a much larger sample (>10000) of fields from the geo-database, (2) examine how predicted GB-average C fluxes (e.g. GPP, NEE,NBE) change relative to the number of fields included in the calculation of the GB-average and (3) identify the best number of sampled fields. This is fasible but computationally very expensive. We argue that the comparison of MDF predictions with the census-based livestock maps and the literature-based GB-average yield data is a fair assessment of the representativeness of our sample of grassland fields.
Comment : It would be necessary to provide the maps of rough grazing, permanent and temporary grassland, and the maps of resulted management type (e.g., grazed only field or grazed + cut field), grazed, and cut biomass for users to understand the management intensity. Response : Such maps would have been a great validation dataset but maps of UK grasslands classified by management intensity type are not available (to our knowledge). Our methodology has the potential to produce such maps if sufficient ground data are available for validation of the MDF predictions; i.e. using predicted yields to infer if each field is rough grazing, permanent or temporary grassland..
Comment : It is strange that NEE/NBE were negatively related to both GPP and REco. Response : We use the micrometeorological convention in which fluxes from the biosphere to the atmosphere are positive i.e. negative NEE/NBE shows a C sink and positive NEE/NBE shows a C source. A negative relation suggests that more photosynthetically productive grasslands tend to be stronger C sinks (i.e. higher GPP -> lower NEE ). REco = heterotrophic respiration + autotrophic respiration. Autotrophic respiration is ~45% of GPP and, therefore, REco and GPP have very similar correlation coefficients
Comment : As the uncertainty for LAI is nearly half of mean LAI, the robustness of the prediction should be further discussed. Response : This issue has been raised by reviewer CC1 as well. We propose to discuss it further in the revised manuscript and we would like to clarify, here, what our uncertainty estimates present (Fig.8). The relative confidence range (RCR) presents the uncertainty around the MDF-predicted variables (e.g. LAI) as a %. It shows how wide the 95% confidence intervals (i.e. 2 standard deviations, assuming normality) are relative to the mean value. The cartogram shows the distribution or RCR across Great Britain and the violin plots the distribution or RCR grouped according to whether grazing or cutting was the main removal method (i.e. most biomass was removed via grazing or via cutting). The assimilated LAI data come from processing Sentinel-2-based images (20m resolution) and have an uncertainty attached to them. This means that every 400m2 of a field has an uncertainty that is attributed to "instrument error" (remote sensor). This uncertainty is not always examined in the relevant literature but studies suggest a value 15%; the standard deviation around each LAI data point per 400m2 is 15% of the value which converted to RCR is 30%. We use a field-mean LAI for each simulated field which means that uncertainty is amplified when we calculate a field-average LAI. Taking this fact into account and considering that MDF predictions incorporate model parametric uncertainty a mean LAI RCR = ~40-50% is proportional to the observational uncertainty.
RC2: 'Comment on bg-2021-144', Aiming Qi, 01 Aug 2021
General comments:
This manuscript has shown the results of carbon dynamics and other related ecosystem indicators in managed grasslands across Great Britain (GB) using a process model (DALEC-Grass) which was integrated into a probabilistic model-data fusion (MDF) algorithm - Carbon Data Model (CARDAMOM) framework. The data as inputs testing and validating the coupled framework were the satellite-derived leaf area index (LAI) time series in a total of 1855 selected fields in 2017 and 2018. The coupled framework was used to address four objectives. The research methods and materials were complicated and thus results should be interpreted in the context of the situations in which the materials and methods were specifically applied. In addition, the research findings have limited values because the events on cutting dates were not definitely identified and consequently the division between cutting and grazing grassland fields was not definite, and also the authors rightly pointed out that the process-model DALEC-Grass has not been calibrated for different pasture species components, soil types and fertilisation conditions. However, they should have practical implications since the UK government has been engaged with policies to reach the target of net zero greenhouse emission by 2050 in order to mitigate the negative impact of climate change.
Specific comments:
(1) it may be more proper to replace the “constrained” used in the title “The carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain constrained by earth observations” with “adjusted” or “estimated”.
(2) What were included in the managed grasslands? Did they include rough-grazing grasslands in the context of three UK grassland types – temporary, permanent and rough-grazing ?
(3) It was said that there were 1855 fields selected for simulations across GB in 2017 and 2018. How many fields were selected in 2017 and 2018, respectively? How many fields were grazed only, how many fields were cut only and how many fields were both grazed and cut? What were the total areas for 1855 fields and in each management grassland type? It would be good to make a box plot showing the size distribution of selected 1855 fields.
(4) When selecting fields to be included, the passing criterion was 50% overlap limit. What did the overlap measure specifically? It was also necessary to know how many fields were ignored when simulations were compared with LAI from EO data.
(5) The manuscript was not cleanly finalised before it was submitted to the journal website because there were many places that had unanswered question marks in the manuscript.
(6) Flow of information between models used in the coupled MDF algorithm framework was not clearly presented. So, an added diagram may be helpful.
(7) The “Removed biomass” item in Table 1 was 220 in 2017 and 280 in 2018. If 2018 was extremely hot and dry summer, why was there more biomass for removal because of limited pasture herbage yields? What was included in the “Removed biomass”?
Specific points that need attention:
PG2 L28 Livestock Unit (LSU). It is more customary in the UK that “LU” is short for livestock unit.
PG3 L80 “(i.e. …)”
PG3 L91 “inputs?.”
PG4 L93-94 “Vuichard et al. (2007); Rolinski et al. (2018)” should be put in a bracket.
PG6 L172-184 It is difficult to understand how the different spatial resolution between LAI data from CGLS (300 m) and LAI from EO data (30 m) were integrated.
PG7 L186 “21-day average photoperiod(sec)”. When was the starting date from which the 21 days were counted?
LG7 L197 The agricultural census data for England was in 2010. The LAI from EO data was in 2017 and 2018. The temporary grasslands must have been changed into other land use types during these 7-8 years gaps. So, the grassland supporting animal number statistics cannot be accurately compared between the two time points.
PG7 L209 (Fig, ??)
PG8 Figure 1 needs to add latitude on Y-axis.
PG8 L215-219 It is necessary to give a legitimate reference for the details of definition of a standard livestock unit. There were many types of sheep. The 0.11LU is a sheep. What was the sheep used here, lowland sheep or highland sheep? 70kg or 80kg sheep?
PG9 L250-258 It was necessary to tell readers how the mean LSU was calculated and also mean LSU on cutting and grazing grasslands, respectively?
PG10 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure 2.
PG11 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure 4.
PG12 L265 “permanent grasslands (10% of UK grassland area)” in which “permanent” should be replaced with “temporary”.
PG12 L279 “ny” should be “by”
PG14 L297 (Fig.5. should be (Fig. 5)
PG14 L298 (Fig.??
PG14 L300 (Fig.5. should be (Fig. 5)
PG15 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure 6.
PG17 L352 “The MDF-predicted GB-average pasture dry matter yield (6±1.8 tDMha-1y-1)”. Was this referred to 2017 or 2018 or in both years? It was for both years, can values be given for each year, too?
PG18 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure 8.
PG19 L359 (could could). Remove the repetition.
PG19 L367 (et al, 2011) Give the correct author(s) here.
PG19 L374 (?Ciais et al., 2005…...) Give a proper replacement for the question mark here.
PG21 L445 “were soil moisture and nitrogen are not limiting factors for grass growth.” In which “were” should be “where”.
PG26 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure A2.
PG27 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure A3.
PG28 Give longitude and latitude on the x- and y-axis in Figure A4.
PG30 L488 Correct the first reference in the Reference List.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Vasileios Myrgiotis, 19 Aug 2021
Reply on general comments
We would like to thank the reviewer for his comments. We would also like to apologise for some "?" seen in the document. These were caused by the LaTex-based software used to produce the submitted pdf but failing to find certain references and links to tables/figures.
Indeed the identification of grazing and (particualrly) cutting instances is not definite. Identifying grazing and cutting timing and intensity from EO data is an outstanding issue. However, this does not reduce the value of the presented reserach. In this respect, we arue that : (1) the use of earth observation (EO) data to identify these events and use them as drivers of model-based predictions is superior to e.g. using generic dates and biomass removal intensities based on agricultural calendars or data from a limited number of monitored fields, which is what most large-scale model-based studies depend on; and (2) the use of an approach that mixes process-level understanding of grass growing, and grazing and cutting patterns (i.e. a biogeochemical model) and EO data is more robust than relying solely on applying machine learning and time series-decomposition analyses on the EO-based time series.
The concern about the unclear description of how data and modelling is used in this study is shared among the three reviewers. We propose to incude three new figures/schematics that explain the methodology more clearly (figs attached here) and revise the relevant text.
Replies on specific comments :
Comment (1) : it may be more proper to replace the “constrained” used in the title “The carbon budget of the managed grasslands of Great Britain constrained by earth observations” with “adjusted” or “estimated”.
Reply : We understand the point of view of the reviewer on this issue. The world "constrained" is more widely used in studies that involve observational data assimilation. We believe it is more appropriate than adjusted/estimated mainly because it conveys the message in a way that will be familiar to many readers.
Comment (2) What were included in the managed grasslands? Did they include rough-grazing grasslands in the context of three UK grassland types – temporary, permanent and rough-grazing ?
Reply : When we refer to managed grasslands we refer to all of these three types of grasslads : rough grazing, temporary and permanent. To our knowledge there is no geo-dataset that shows the type of specific fields across the UK. The Land Cover Map that was used to sample the fields that were simulated does not discriminate between these three types which it collectively refers to as "improved grasslands". It is not possible to know the type of grassland of a simulated field before simulating it but we can infer the type based on the annual yield (cut + grazed biomass) since we know the UK-average yield for each of these three types of grasslands.
Comment (3) : It was said that there were 1855 fields selected for simulations across GB in 2017 and 2018. How many fields were selected in 2017 and 2018, respectively? How many fields were grazed only, how many fields were cut only and how many fields were both grazed and cut? What were the total areas for 1855 fields and in each management grassland type? It would be good to make a box plot showing the size distribution of selected 1855 fields.
Reply : The the same 1855 were simulated for 2017 and 2018. There were no cut-only fields among the simulated fields. This is probably an artefact of the sampling process because only fields 6-13ha in size were included in the sample (see section 2.2.1 in the manuscript and line 356>). 75% of the simulated fields were grazed-only and 25% were both cut and grazed (Line 259). We will provide information on the total simulated area and the distribution of field sizes in the revised manuscript.
Comment (4) : When selecting fields to be included, the passing criterion was 50% overlap limit. What did the overlap measure specifically? It was also necessary to know how many fields were ignored when simulations were compared with LAI from EO data.
Reply : The overlap shows the percentage of simulated leaf area index (LAI) data points (mean predicted LAI) that are within the the uncertainty limits of the corresponding obsrevational data points (i.e. satellite based LAI at 20m resolution -- mean value across the simulated field). For 12% of the initial dataset of 2108 simulated fields, our analysis failed to generate a simulated-vs-observed LAI overlap > 50% (Line 242). As we do not have a dataset of ground-measured LAI time-series across a range of fields we cannot use a data-based method to determine the overlap % that should be used as a limit. Based on our experience with visually examining the fit between observational and simulated LAI time series we argue that 50% is a fair limit.
Comment (5) The manuscript was not cleanly finalised before it was submitted to the journal website because there were many places that had unanswered question marks in the manuscript.
Reply : We would like to apologise again for this and clarify that these "?" are not unanswered questions but references that for some reason the software used to produce the submitted pdf was unable to find as/where it should.
Comment (6) : Flow of information between models used in the coupled MDF algorithm framework was not clearly presented. So, an added diagram may be helpful.
Reply : As stated in our reply to general comments we understand that the materials and methods section was not as clear as it could hav ebeen and we will revise accordingly.
Comment (7) : The “Removed biomass” item in Table 1 was 220 in 2017 and 280 in 2018. If 2018 was extremely hot and dry summer, why was there more biomass for removal because of limited pasture herbage yields? What was included in the “Removed biomass”?
Reply : This is a very interesting question that we do not discuss in the manuscript. We will include discussion text on this issue in the revised manuscript. Briefly, the 2018 summer heat wave affected all areas of GB but not with the same severity. The southern 1/3 of GB was significantly affected but it is also an area with smaller grassland coverage than e.g. Wales, southwest Endland, northwest England and Scotland. Also, climatic conditions in winter, spring and autumn 2018 were more conducive to higher seasonal (non-summer) yields in areas outwith that southern third of GB. This explains the increased GB-average yield but the possible role of drying on the assimilated satellite based LAI data should also be considered. A drying grassland turning yellow in colour results in a decreasing EO-based LAI. It is possible that as the drought started affecting GB and its grassland fields this reduction in LAI (caused by colour/reflectance change) was simulated by DALEC-Grass as biomass removals and not as leaf drying. However, the model has simulated the impact of drought on leaf production and LAI, and, therefore, the afforementioned process could not have had but a minor impact on the predicted yields
Reply to specific points
We will ensure references to tables and literature will not appear as "?" in the revised document
On the issue of livestock units. As it not possible to infer the type/age/weight of grazing animals using EO data we use generic literature-based values for beef/dairy cattle and sheep when : (1) converting simulated grazed biomass-C to manure-C, CO2-C and CH4-C (see DALEC-Grass schematic in attachments) and (2) calculating livestock units from MDF-predicted grazed biomass (line 217).
On comparing predicted livestock units with census data. We refer to the issues arising from the fact that census data for England are from 2010 while the study examines 2017-2018 (Line 256). Livestock density (total numbers ÷ total area) has been decreasing (albeit slightly) in England and the UK in general. We argue that the negative bias between predicted and census-based data reflects that fact (fig 3). Also, significant changes in the spatial distribution of livestock across the UK has not been reported in the relevant literature. We argue that it is also not possible due to the fact that the zone of naturally highly-productive grasslands has not changed (i.e. western third of GB) .Therefore, the comparison of MDF-predicted and census-based data (Figs 3 and 4) is -- despite its discussed limiations -- a good way to assess if the MDF framework "translated" the EO-based LAI time-series into biomass utilisation in a way that (generally) reflects what is known to be happening on the ground (i.e. relative livestock denisty at local/regional scale).
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Vasileios Myrgiotis, 19 Aug 2021
Peer review completion