Research article
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08 Feb 2022
Research article |
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08 Feb 2022
Late Neogene evolution of modern deep-dwelling plankton
Flavia Boscolo-Galazzo, Amy Jones, Tom Dunkley Jones, Katherine A. Crichton, Bridget S. Wade, and Paul N. Pearson
Model code and software
derpycode/cgenie.muffin: Boscolo-Galazzo et al. [2021] (v0.9.18)
Andy Ridgwell, Chris Reinhard, Sebastiaan van de Velde, Markus Adloff, DomHu, Jamie Wilson, Ben Ward, Pam Vervoort, Fanny Monteiro, kirtlandster, and Mingsong Li
derpycode/muffindoc v0.9.18 (v0.9.18)
Andy Ridgwell, DomHu, Carlye Peterson, Ben Ward, sjszas, evansmn, and Rhi Jones