Articles | Volume 20, issue 22
Research article
20 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2023

Toward coherent space–time mapping of seagrass cover from satellite data: an example of a Mediterranean lagoon

Guillaume Goodwin, Marco Marani, Sonia Silvestri, Luca Carniello, and Andrea D'Alpaos

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Short summary
Seagrass meadows are an emblematic coastal habitat. Their sensitivity to environmental change means that it is essential to monitor their evolution closely. However, high costs make this endeavor a technical challenge. Here, we used machine learning to map seagrass meadows in 148 satellite images in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. We found that adding information such as depth of the seabed and known seagrass location improved our capacity to map temporal change in seagrass habitat.
Final-revised paper