the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Kilometre-scale simulations over Fennoscandia reveal a large loss of tundra due to climate warming
Fredrik Lagergren
Robert G. Björk
Camilla Andersson
Danijel Belušić
Mats P. Björkman
Erik Kjellström
Petter Lind
David Lindstedt
Tinja Olenius
Håkan Pleijel
Gunhild Rosqvist
Paul A. Miller
- Final revised paper (published on 05 Mar 2024)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 12 Sep 2023)
- Supplement to the preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on bg-2023-148', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Nov 2023
Common points:
The paper aims to model the vegetation development until 2100 in the Fennoscandinavian to Oroarctic environment due to climate change in a high resolution, including the impact of reindeer grazing/trampling and the effects on biodiversity. The aims of the paper fit well to the scopes of the journal.
In my opinion the resolution is not high. High resolution should be 100 m to 10 m. The data presented here have a resolution of 3 km. Furthermore, the study area extends from the boreal forest to the tundra. Therefore, I would suggest adjusting the title.
The second paragraph of the introduction should be moved to the description of the study area.
In the last paragraph of the introduction (Line 93 to 100) it could improve the manuscript (structure) if the task and the objectives are clearly stated. The objectives should then be always used in the same order in the other sections of the paper (methods, results, and discussion).
I would also suggest being consistent with presenting the results, especially for the evaluation of the modelled data. From my point of view, it would be useful either to use always the mean values for a certain period or the values of single years.
Please add letters (a, b, c, …) to the single figures in combined figures. Maybe present the figures addressing the specific sites presented in Figure 1 always in the same order, e.g., from north to south.
I would suggest being consistent with the used units of the resolution or if the resolution is given in degree add the converted unit in brackets.
Probably move parts of the 4th paragraph (Line 587 to 593) to the conclusion.
Specific points:
39-41: Sentence unclear.
94: … here use the 3 km-scale climate projections…..
Figure 1a: The squares and points as well as the fonts should be made more legible.
Figure 1: please place the letters indicating the subfigures in the same position.
119-121: This senctence is for me not clear.
121: 1 km² (please be consistent in using the units).
122-124: are the process descriptions related to cycling of water and carbon based on species composition?
134: add the wetlands.
Table 2: Please specify the species more for each plant functional type, e.g., Alnus sp. could be a shrub or a tree. Add typical species for the PFTs C3G, pmoss, and C3G_wet. Furthermore, you should remove the species Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Vaccinium myrtillus from this list as they show no clear habitat preference (occurence in two different PFTs). This could be important if the process descriptions are depending on the species composition.
145-147: Please add the information you used for the fine-tuning of some model parameters.
169: Reference for the HCLIM38-ALADIN is missing and when you accessed the data.
170: Reference for the HCLIM38-AROME is missing and when you accessed the data.
181: Reference for the ALAatARO data is missing and when you accessed the data.
250-251: Which method was used for aggregating the satellite-based products to the 3 km resolution.
311: Please give the percentage for the UA and PA.
319-321: Did you use the average LAI for these periods or was it the change of LAI, PFTs respectively?
381-382: "As the classification…." should be moved to the methods part.
394: from which year is the vector-based map?
472: From my point of view it is not the trend in grazing as the number of animals are constant over time and the authors simulate the grazing effect based on the loss of biomass. For me, if the authors talk about trends in grazing the authors should include the life stock units (LSUs).
516-518: The thawing palsas were never mentioned before in the manuscript.
519: comma is missing after: e.g.,
Supplement S3 Line 40: (225 000 – 280 000)?
Citation: - AC1: 'Reply on RC1', F. Lagergren, 07 Dec 2023
CC1: 'Comment on bg-2023-148', Leanne van der Kuijl, 11 Nov 2023
This review was prepared as part of graduate program course work at Wageningen University. The review was not solicited by the journal, but it might be of some use.
This paper uses high resolution simulations to assess changes in vegetation composition, biodiversity, and available reindeer forage in the 21st century due to climate change and potential reindeer grazing in the Fennoscandian region. The authors parameterized the LPJ-GUESS dynamic vegetation model with the PFTs found in the region and added a reindeer grazing module. The model was forced using a downscaled high-emission climate scenario (RCP8.5). Validation on local scale was done using vegetation inventories and on regional scale using remote sensing maps. The vegetation shifts were analyzed in more detail in six diverse “hotspot” areas. The results show dramatic south to north and low to high altitude shifts in vegetation zones, that accelerate towards the end of the 21st century. Potential reindeer grazing ground will also shift to the north based on the availability of suitable forage, but other factors resulting from climate change are likely to impact reindeer husbandry more. The authors conclude scenario-based research is needed to better assess the vegetation changes in the future and their uncertainty.
As far as I know this paper is the first to attempt to integrate the effect of reindeer grazing, which is an important landscape forming factor in Fennoscandia, into a dynamical vegetation model. This paper is also the first the use a very high-resolution climate scenario, which better captures the local variation in complex terrain, on the entire Fennoscandian boreal and Oroarctic region. The research is necessary and valuable in showing the severity of the consequences of climate change for nature conservation and for the conservation of the indigenous culture of the region (reindeer husbandry).
The study seems well designed, despite only using one climate scenario, and the methodology, calibration and validation seem to follow generally accepted protocols for dynamic vegetation modeling experiments. Additionally, the figures in the paper visualize the results well. However, the methodology is hard to read, and the introduction is missing some key arguments as to why the study is important. I also would like to see some processes and effects that were not considered in the model added to the discussion, but most importantly, I feel like the uncertainty of this study needs to be stated more clearly in the summary and the conclusion.
In my opinion this paper will be suitable for publication in Biogeosciences after moderate revision.
Major arguments
The model used in this study is only forced using one (extreme) climate scenario and there is a lot of (unquantified) uncertainty in the results. The authors do already state in the discussion that this uncertainty exists and could not be solved due to computational restrictions and because there currently are no different climate scenarios at the high resolution of this study available. Despite this, the study is still a relevant and necessary first step. However, I do feel it is very important to mention the uncertainty of this study more clearly in both the conclusion and the summary to avoid sensationalizing the results. If I were to read only the title, summary, and conclusion of this paper, I would not know this paper only describes general trends. Especially in the summary that states this region will be completely covered by forests at the end of the 21st century.
In my opinion both the methodology and introduction require some additions to make it easier for people to find the relevant information and to clearly express the relevance and necessity of this study:
- The modelling methodology is in my eyes poorly described and rather wordy. It is unclear what model is used and where a detailed description of this model can be found. I had to consult additional literature to try and figure out what model was used (Gustafson et al., 2021; Smith et al., 2001; Miller and Smith, 2012; Smith et al., 2014) and I am still not sure, because Gustafson at al. (2021) only mentions LPJ-GUESS v4.0. This could be remedied by adding a schematic overview of the model highlighting which parts of the model are new (reindeer module and some PFTs) and where the detailed descriptions for the old parts can be found. Additionally, it is unclear which data was used to calibrate which parameters of the model. For example, lines 143-147 on page 3 mention test runs and fine-tuning to get a better match against distribution maps from observations, but it does not mention what maps. I feel adding a (supplementary) table of which data sets were used to calibrate which parameters (covering what time period) would solve this problem and prevent people having to comb through the entire paper to figure out what was done.
- In the introduction the paper is vague on what the consequences of a shift in vegetation composition might be and how reindeer grazing might affect and be affected by this shift. It just mentions increasing pressure on both ecosystems, holding species of great ecological, biological, and societal significance, and societies in the area. It seems to me that the consequences of such a shift in vegetation due to climate change are the most important reason for doing this research. I feel it would be beneficial to be more specific or perhaps add some examples to get the message across better. Stark et al. (2023) gives a lot of information about effects of reindeer on the ecosystem. It is also worth mentioning how culturally important reindeer husbandry is for the indigenous people of the region.
Building further on this point: The summary and conclusion mention more about the consequences than the introduction does. The conclusion for example mentions implications for recreation when this is not mentioned anywhere else. These extra points should be moved to or already be mentioned in the introduction.
I would also like to see more discussion about processes and effects that were not considered in the model. The following points being most important:
- Currently only one sentence in the paper (line 607) mentions seed dispersal capacity (and fire disturbance) as factors that may restrict vegetation expansion, particularly for predicted shrub expansion on non-shrub tundra. However, as mentioned by Gustafson et al. (2021) dispersal limitations are likely to cause lags in range shifts on larger spatial scales (Rees et al., 2020; Brown et al., 2018). Models that do account for seed dispersal limitations generally predict slower latitudinal tree migration than models driven solely by climate like LPJ-GUESS (Epstein et al., 2007). This warrants further explanation in the paper.
- This paper discusses the direct effects reindeer grazing, browsing, and trampling might have on the vegetation and how the change in vegetation due to climate change might affect the food supply for the reindeer, but it does not discuss the effect reindeer might have on the climate and thus indirectly on the vegetation as well. Recently Holmgren et al. (2023) found that a high amount of reindeer summer trampling in low peatland areas may result in increased summer warming and decreased winter cooling enhancing permafrost degradation in these areas. On the other hand, in higher areas intense browsing and nutrient addition from reindeer may mitigate some climate warming effects (Macias-Fauria et al., 2020; Malhi et al., 2022). This uncertainty should be added to the discussion.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the reindeer exclosure sites that are used to validate the reindeer grazing module likely do not represent the natural situation without grazing (Stark et al., 2023). - Soil vertical and horizontal movement caused by frost, and amelioration of such effects in the warmer future climate are not accounted for in the LPJ-GUESS model. These processes could affect survival and competition among the plant functional types, especially in the seedling stage when plants are most vulnerable to mechanical disturbance (Gustafson et al., 2021). This should also be added to the discussion, if relevant on high resolution larger scale.
Minor arguments
- Page 3, lines 104-105: Why was this study area chosen? The summary, introduction and title make it feel like the entire Fennoscandian area will be studied, when it is not. I feel like some explanation is necessary here.
- Page 5, line 128: The return time of patch destroying disturbances (e.g., devastating pests or windstorms) is set to 150 years. What is this based on? Does this also include fires? This requires some explanation.
- Page 6, lines 158-159: Barthelemy et al. (2018) says that nitrogen in the form of urea can easily be taken up by plants directly (as in without transforming it, not as in how quickly). The way it is currently formulated in this paper makes it feel as if the assumption is that the nitrogen is immediately (time) taken up by the plants. Barthelemy et al. (2018) does not seem to state how quickly this happens other than that it happens ‘rapidly’. Urine is also a very local phenomenon, but for the model it is taken up by plants in the entire patch.
- Page 7/8, section 2.4: Is the nitrogen data at 12 km resolution detailed enough for this study with a resolution of 3 km? This is not mentioned anywhere yet.
- Page 15/16, section 3.2.2: I wonder what the effect is of leaving out the wetland areas in the calculation of the Shannon Diversity Index on the comparison between the different time periods. Specifically in Muddus, which has a lot of wetland area in the simulated data, but barely any in the satellite data. This should be mentioned.
- Page 22, line 556: I feel it would be better to mention just how much larger the reindeer herd size is in summer (60% larger after calving and before slaughter, Definitions - Sámi Parliament (, because this could result in a significant underestimation of the grazing.
- Supplement page 4 (S3), line 38: Please add and explanation as to why the Swedish reindeer population is (assumed to be) representative for the entire study area.
- Supplement page 4 (S3), lines 53-59: This does not explain why 35% was used. Ferraro et al. (2022) assumes that 38% of the daily nitrogen consumed by reindeer is assimilated into its body mass and 62% is defecated (not all as urine), instead of the other way around. McEwan and Whitehead (1970) show that nitrogen divers a lot depending on the age and sex of the reindeer and on the season. Nitrogen retention during the second growth phase (14-24 months) was on average 35% in reindeer (page 909, table IV). The remaining 65% was presumed to be urine. I am presuming the 35% used in this study is based on this, but I am not entirely convinced this is representative for the entire reindeer population. Please explain in more detail.
Minor issues:
Main article
Page 1, lines 30-32: “Simulated … grazing ground.” This sentence is unclear and needs to be rewritten.
Page 2, line 37: Reference?
Page 3, line 87: “have” should be “has”.
Page 3, line 95: Perhaps add a more recent reference for the “state-of-the-art DMV” here like Gustafson et al. (2021). 2014 is not state-of-the-art.
Page 6, line 175: “(see below)” What does this reference? There is nothing below.
Page 7, line 182: “two” methods” are announced here, but only one of those methods is explained in the same paragraph and the other in the next paragraph.
Page 8, line 246: “also” before “converted” should be left out.
Page 13, line 363: “were” should be “was”.
Page 21, lines 524-525: “which is not far from the current trajectory” reference?
Page 22, line 554: either “since” or “as” needs to be left out.
Page 29, line 805: This references the preprint of this paper, not the published version.
Supplement page 4, line 34: “reduce” should be “reduces”.
Supplement page 4, line 39-40: add the specific webpage where the numbers used can be found.
Supplement page 4, line 40: “280 00” should be “280 000”.
Supplement page 4, line 41: “eat” should be “eats”.
Supplement page 4, line 41: I think “path” is supposed to be “patch” here.
Supplement page 4, line 46: missing “the” between “large” and “fraction”.
Supplement page 4, line 47: add “is” between “consumed” and “relative” and perhaps add “where” between “and” and “herbivore_int” to make the sentence clearer.
Supplement page 4, line 55: missing “a” between “is” and “functionality”.
Supplement page 4, line 55-56: add a reference for the assumption that N leaving the herbivore as urine is directly taken up by the plants.
Supplement page 7, line 112: The Bartalev et al. (2003) reference is missing in the reference list.
Supplement page 7, line 119: Babst et al. (2014) is not referenced in the text.
Supplement page 18-19: What do the colours in this figure mean?
Barthelemy, H., Stark, S., Michelsen, A., & Olofsson, J. (2017). Urine is an important nitrogen source for plants irrespective of vegetation composition in an Arctic tundra: Insights from a 15 N-enriched urea tracer experiment. Journal of Ecology, 106(1), 367–378.
Brown, C. M., Dufour‐Tremblay, G., Jameson, R. G., Mamet, S. D., Trant, A. J., Walker, X. J., Boudreau, S., Harper, K. A., Henry, G. H. R., Hermanutz, L., Hofgaard, A., Исаева, Л. Г., Kershaw, G. P., & Johnstone, J. F. (2018). Reproduction as a bottleneck to treeline advance across the circumarctic forest tundra ecotone. Ecography, 42(1), 137–147.
Epstein, H. E., Qin, Y., Kaplan, J. O., & Lischke, H. (2007). Simulating future changes in Arctic and Subarctic vegetation. Computing in Science and Engineering, 9(4), 12–23.
Ferraro, K. M., Schmitz, O. J., & McCary, M. A. (2021). Effects of ungulate density and sociality on landscape heterogeneity: a mechanistic modeling approach. Ecography, 2022(2).
Gustafson, A. F., Gustafson, A. F., Björk, R. G., Olin, S., Smith, B., Björk, R. G., Olin, S., Smith, B., & Smith, B. (2021). Nitrogen restricts future sub-arctic treeline advance in an individual-based dynamic vegetation model. Biogeosciences, 18(23), 6329–6347.
Holmgren, M., Groten, F., Carracedo, M. R., Vink, S., & Limpens, J. (2023). Rewilding risks for Peatland permafrost. Ecosystems.
Macias‐Fauria, M., Jepson, P., Zimov, N., & Malhi, Y. (2020). Pleistocene Arctic megafaunal ecological engineering as a natural climate solution? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375(1794), 20190122.
Malhi, Y., Lander, T. A., Roux, E. L., Stevens, N., Macias‐Fauria, M., Wedding, L. M., Girardin, C., Kristensen, J. A., Sandom, C. J., Evans, T., Svenning, J., & Canney, S. M. (2022). The role of large wild animals in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Current Biology, 32(4), R181–R196.
McEwan, E. H., & Whitehead, P. E. (1970). Seasonal changes in the energy and nitrogen intake in Reindeer and Caribou. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 48(5), 905–913.
Miller, P. A., & Smith, B. (2012). Modelling Tundra vegetation response to recent Arctic warming. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 41(S3), 281–291.
Rees, G., Hofgaard, A., Boudreau, S., Cairns, D. M., Harper, K. A., Mamet, S. D., Mathisen, I. E., Swirad, Z., & Tutubalina, O. (2020). Is subarctic forest advance able to keep pace with climate change? Global Change Biology, 26(7), 3965–3977.
Smith, B., Prentice, I. C., & Sykes, M. T. (2001). Representation of vegetation dynamics in the modelling of terrestrial ecosystems: comparing two contrasting approaches within European climate space. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10(6), 621–637.
Smith, B., Wårlind, D., Arneth, A., Hickler, T., Leadley, P., Siltberg, J., & Zaehle, S. (2014). Implications of incorporating N cycling and N limitations on primary production in an individual-based dynamic vegetation model. Biogeosciences, 11(7), 2027–2054.
Stark, S., Horstkotte, T., Kumpula, J., Olofsson, J., Tømmervik, H., & Turunen, M. (2023). The ecosystem effects of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in northern Fennoscandia: past, present and future. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 58, 125716.
Citation: - AC3: 'Reply on CC1', F. Lagergren, 07 Dec 2023
RC2: 'Comment on bg-2023-148', Anonymous Referee #2, 21 Nov 2023
General comments
This study focuses on a subject of great scientific importance: changes in vegetation at high latitudes. The work presented is of high quality and based on state-of-the-art data and methods. The figures and the introduction and discussion sections are of good quality and in good shape for publication. The M&M and results sections could benefit from some changes in content and structure (see following paragraphs).
Specific comments
The introduction is clear, synthetic, and overall presents a sufficient number of scientific references. It describes the processes taking place in high-latitude regions, in particular the impacts of climate change and reindeer husbandry on the different ecosystems (boreal forest, tree-line and tundra). It presents the implication of vegetation dynamics modeling (DVM) and the added value enabled by scenario climate data at a 3km scale.
One introduction paragraph (line 54-61) should be moved to the Material and Method section, as it describes the study area and interrupts the flow developed in the introduction.
In addition, it would be interesting to present the initial hypotheses of the study, particularly with regard to the description made of the causes (societal and climatic) of change in plant communities.
Finally, it would be interesting to mention the LPJ-Guess model in the paragraph on DVM, in order to highlight its field of application.
This section is well presented and provides a clear understanding of the data and studies used to complete this scientific production. More detail could be provided on certain paragraphs (see specific comments). More specifically, the choices made regarding data acquisition, interpolation type and parameter tuning must be sufficiently justified or discussed.
A comparative analysis of different climate (RCP) or socio-economic (SSP) scenarios would have been desirable. Thus, the authors of the study are invited to explain this choice of scenario.
This section provides well the overall results of the study with different type of figures. This section is quite dense and would benefit from structural reshaping, including topic sentences introducing most paragraphs.
Discussion & Conclusion
I truly enjoyed reading the Discussion section which adequately explain the results and does not hide the limits of the method. I have very few comments on this section.
Technical corrections
38 « biological and societal significance » What do you mean by biological significance ?
82 « This information does not capture all local variation, especially in areas of complex terrain where altitudinal differences can be strongly underestimated » This sentence would require a reference
91 « km-scale » Would be more rigorous to refer to 3km-scale throughout the text
110 « The study area (shown as altitude from sea level (dark green) to 2000 m a.s.l. (yellow), the six focus “hotspot” areas (shaded squares and black text, see Figure S1 for detailed maps) » Instead of adding the description of symbols and colors in the text, use a legend directly in the figure with color (even for altitude) and symbol. What's more, the names don't appear clearly.
127 « disturbances representing e.g. devastating pests or wind storms, occur randomly in each patch (return time set to 150 years in the presented simulations) » In natural/semi-natural ecosystem, disturbance does not occur randomly. Some ecosystem are more fire-prone (e.g. fire) depending on the season. You might want to discuss the "150yr return time at random" in the discussion, especially considering its huge significant impact in vegetation dynamics
139 « For fractions of land classified as peatland » Include peatland location in Fig. 1.a.
145 « A fine-tuning of some of the model’s parameters was therefore done to get a better match against distribution maps from observations » Your parameter changes seem significant, especially for growing degrees days. Could you explain your choices in more detail? Does LPJ-GUESS present a poor calibration of this PFT in general or for this geographic zone in particular?
150 « Grazing/browsing was simulated by removing a fraction of leaf biomass. » Provide a reference to support the assumption that grazing/browsing only/mainly affects leaf biomass. Some could argue that plant survival or growth could also be directly affected.
200 « The RCP8.5 scenario used was the first dataset produced at this high resolution for the entire region » The first and only one ? Please indicate why using this particular scenario and not propose a comparative analysis with Shared Socioeconomic Pathway to get a nuanced vision of vegetation dynamics in the future.
210 « 5 arc seconds (10 km) » Please use consistent unit for resolution (km preferred)
211 « had been interpolated to 3 km resolution » What type of interpolation?
225 « downscale the 50 km data for the 1900-1986 period. After 2051, the 0.5° resolution Lamarque et al. (2011) dataset was used, which is stand ard for LPJ-GUESS. » How the final resolution of 3km is reached?
226 « 0.5° » require consistent unit
267 « to convert modelled total biomass to above ground biomass we assumed a factor of 0.85 based on earlier estimates » Root:shoot ratios could be very variable for foret tree species. For instance, in (Huttunen et al. 2013) they estimated that for silver birch seedlings, the ratio between BGB and AGB could vary from 0.35 to 1.2 under different conditions and would be around 0.55 without treatment. Even though you consider here adult trees, The approximation of 0.85 should be discussed.
Huttunen, Liisa & Ayres, Matthew & Niemelä, Pekka & Heiska, Susanne & Tegelberg, Riitta & Rousi, Matti & Kellomäki, Seppo. (2013). Interactive effects of defoliation and climate change on compensatory growth of silver birch seedlings. Silva Fennica. 47. e964. 10.14214/sf.964.
299 « Simulated_LAI = 0.78 × SURFEX_LAI – 1.99, r2 = 0.59 » You might consider providing the results with an intercept of 0. In addition, even if an r² of 0.59 can be considered satisfactory, you should explain where and why the simulated LAI differs from the SURFEX data.
340 « Figure 3» Compared to the high quality of the other figures, this one could be reshaped and made more clear
381 « As the classification is based on LAI, bare rock was set for LAI 0.01- 0.001 and permanent snow/ice < 0.001, indicating that plants have the potential to grow there » Unclear and might be put in M&M section
385 « Figure 5 » This figure is really interesting and well designed, congrats. One thing, to be more rigorous, the 3 rows should me made from equivalent latitude band sample ( not 0.2, 0.15 and 0.1 °)
442 « It should be kept in mind that the data obtained from the Analysis Portal relies on what has been reported by a large community of public and professional naturalists, which means that biases can exist e.g., depending on the specific biological interests of rapporteurs visiting the different areas. » his sentence might be preferably put in Discussion section and more developped. Indeed, this section aim at providing an overview of selected hotspot diversity but in my opinion the method for this purpose should be more discussed.
478 « Figure 8 » The color legend might be redefined to better show region with low and high change of consumtion. In addition, it could be interesting to plot the relative change (percentage) instead of the absolute one which poorly reflects effect on vegetation
501 « dramatic » This term has a negative connotation, but the consequences of such a change in vegetation are complex and not entirely negative, depending on the process under consideration.
544 « This is because many of the alpine species in the hotspots areas that are not listed today will be threatened as warming continues. » This need a literature reference
Citation: - AC2: 'Reply on RC2', F. Lagergren, 07 Dec 2023
Peer review completion