Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
Research article
01 Mar 2013
Research article |  | 01 Mar 2013

The Little Ice Age: evidence from a sediment record in Gullmar Fjord, Swedish west coast

I. Polovodova Asteman, K. Nordberg, and H. L. Filipsson

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Cited articles

Alve, E.: Foraminifera, climatic change and pollution: A study of Late Holocene sediments in Drammensfjord, SE Norway, The Holocene 1, 243–261, 1991.
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Andrews, S. T., Belt, S., Olafsdottir, S., Massé, G., and Vare, L. L.: Sea ice and marine climate variability for NW Iceland/Denmark Strait over the last 2000 cal.yr. BP, The Holocene, 19, 775–784, 2009.
Arneborg, L.: Turnover times for the water above sill level in Gullmar Fjord, Cont. Shelf Res., 24, 443–460, 2004.
Final-revised paper