Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
 | Highlight paper
22 Apr 2013
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 22 Apr 2013

Nitrous oxide emissions from European agriculture – an analysis of variability and drivers of emissions from field experiments

R. M. Rees, J. Augustin, G. Alberti, B. C. Ball, P. Boeckx, A. Cantarel, S. Castaldi, N. Chirinda, B. Chojnicki, M. Giebels, H. Gordon, B. Grosz, L. Horvath, R. Juszczak, Å. Kasimir Klemedtsson, L. Klemedtsson, S. Medinets, A. Machon, F. Mapanda, J. Nyamangara, J. E. Olesen, D. S. Reay, L. Sanchez, A. Sanz Cobena, K. A. Smith, A. Sowerby, M. Sommer, J. F. Soussana, M. Stenberg, C. F. E. Topp, O. van Cleemput, A. Vallejo, C. A. Watson, and M. Wuta

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Biogeosciences, 10, 119–133,,, 2013

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Cited articles

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Final-revised paper