Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Research article
11 Mar 2015
Research article |  | 11 Mar 2015

Biogeochemical processes and buffering capacity concurrently affect acidification in a seasonally hypoxic coastal marine basin

M. Hagens, C. P. Slomp, F. J. R. Meysman, D. Seitaj, J. Harlay, A. V. Borges, and J. J. Middelburg

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Cited articles

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Short summary
This study looks at the combined impacts of hypoxia and acidification, two major environmental stressors affecting coastal systems, in a seasonally stratified basin. Here, the surface water experiences less seasonality in pH than the bottom water despite higher process rates. This is due to a substantial reduction in the acid-base buffering capacity of the bottom water as it turns hypoxic in summer. This highlights the crucial role of the buffering capacity as a modulating factor in pH dynamics.
Final-revised paper