Articles | Volume 12, issue 24
Research article
17 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 17 Dec 2015

Age–depth model of the past 630 kyr for Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania) based on cyclostratigraphic analysis of downhole gamma ray data

H. Baumgarten, T. Wonik, D. C. Tanner, A. Francke, B. Wagner, G. Zanchetta, R. Sulpizio, B. Giaccio, and S. Nomade

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Cited articles

Albert, P. G., Hardiman, M., Keller, J., Tomlinson, E. L., Smith, V. C., Bourne, A. J., Wulf, S., Zanchetta, G., Sulpizio, R., Müller, U. C., Pross, J., Ottolini, L., Matthews, I. P., Blockley, S. P. E., Menzies, M. A.: Revisiting the Y-3 tephrostratigraphic marker: a new diagnostic glass geochemistry, age estimate, and details on its climatostratigraphical context, Quaternary Sci. Rev., in press,, 2014.
Albrecht, C. and Wilke, T.: Ancient Lake Ohrid: Biodiversity and evolution, Hydrobiologia, 615, 103–140, 2008.
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Short summary
Gamma ray (GR) fluctuations and K values from downhole logging data obtained in the sediments of Lake Ohrid correlate with the global climate reference record (LR04 stack from δ18O) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). GR and K values are considered a reliable proxy to depict glacial-interglacial cycles and document warm, humid and cold, drier periods. A robust age model for the downhole logging data over the past 630kyr was established and will play a crucial role for other working groups.
Final-revised paper