Articles | Volume 16, issue 24
Research article
16 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 16 Dec 2019

Long-term trends in pH in Japanese coastal seawater

Miho Ishizu, Yasumasa Miyazawa, Tomohiko Tsunoda, and Tsuneo Ono

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Borges, A. V. and Gypen, N.: Carbonate chemistry in the coastal zone responds more strongly to eutrophication than to ocean acidification, Limnol. Oceanogr., 55, 346–353, 2010. 
Byrne, M., Lamare, M., Winter, D., Dworjanyn, S. A., and Uthicke, S.: The stunting effect of a high CO2 ocean on calcification and development in the urchin larvae, a synthesis from the tropics to the poles, Philos. T. R. Soc. B, 368, 20120439,, 2013. 
Short summary
Using water quality data collected at 289 monitoring sites as part of the Water Pollution Control Program, we evaluated the long-term trends of pH in Japanese coastal seawater at ambient temperature from 1978 to 2009. We found that the annual maximum pH, which generally represents the pH of surface waters in winter, had decreased at 75 % of the sites, but had increased at the remaining sites. The annual maximum pH decreased at an average rate of −0.0024 yr−1, with relatively large deviations.
Final-revised paper