Articles | Volume 13, issue 7
Research article
06 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 06 Apr 2016

Challenges associated with modeling low-oxygen waters in Chesapeake Bay: a multiple model comparison

Isaac D. Irby, Marjorie A. M. Friedrichs, Carl T. Friedrichs, Aaron J. Bever, Raleigh R. Hood, Lyon W. J. Lanerolle, Ming Li, Lewis Linker, Malcolm E. Scully, Kevin Sellner, Jian Shen, Jeremy Testa, Hao Wang, Ping Wang, and Meng Xia

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Cited articles

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Short summary
A comparison of eight hydrodynamic-oxygen models revealed that while models have difficulty resolving key drivers of dissolved oxygen (DO) variability, all models exhibit skill in reproducing the variability of DO itself. Further, simple oxygen models and complex biogeochemical models reproduced observed DO variability similarly well. Future advances in hypoxia simulations will depend more on the ability to reproduce the depth of the mixed layer than the degree of the vertical density gradient.
Final-revised paper