Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Research article
17 May 2017
Research article |  | 17 May 2017

Dissolved carbon biogeochemistry and export in mangrove-dominated rivers of the Florida Everglades

David T. Ho, Sara Ferrón, Victor C. Engel, William T. Anderson, Peter K. Swart, René M. Price, and Leticia Barbero

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Cited articles

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Barr, J. G., Engel, V., Smith, T. J., and Fuentes, J. D.: Hurricane disturbance and recovery of energy balance, CO2 fluxes and canopy structure in a mangrove forest of the Florida Everglades, Agr. Forest Meteorol., 153, 54–66,, 2012.
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Short summary
Mangroves take up more carbon (C) than any other ecosystems, but > 50 % of this C is missing. The forest loses organic C to the surrounding waters, which might be rapidly transformed into inorganic C. Previous studies focused on organic C could have missed this important sink. We examined the sources and sinks of dissolved C in two mangrove estuaries, and confirmed that ca. 90 % of the total dissolved mangrove-derived C flux flowing out of the estuaries was inorganic C.
Final-revised paper