Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
28 Feb 2020
Research article |  | 28 Feb 2020

Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO2 and N2O emissions and bacterial community structure of arable soil

Pauline Sophie Rummel, Birgit Pfeiffer, Johanna Pausch, Reinhard Well, Dominik Schneider, and Klaus Dittert

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Short summary
Chemical composition of plant litter controls C availability for biological N transformation processes in soil. In this study, we showed that easily degradable maize shoots stimulated microbial respiration and mineralization leading to high N2O formation in litter-associated hot spots. A higher share of slowly degradable C compounds and lower concentrations of water-soluble N restricted N2O emissions from maize roots. Bacterial community structure reflected degradability of maize litter.
Final-revised paper