Articles | Volume 19, issue 14
Research article
27 Jul 2022
Research article |  | 27 Jul 2022

Interannual variabilities, long-term trends, and regulating factors of low-oxygen conditions in the coastal waters off Hong Kong

Zheng Chen, Bin Wang, Chuang Xu, Zhongren Zhang, Shiyu Li, and Jiatang Hu

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Deterioration of low-oxygen conditions in the coastal waters off Hong Kong was revealed by monitoring data over two decades. The declining wind forcing and the increasing nutrient input contributed significantly to the areal expansion and intense deterioration of low-oxygen conditions. Also, the exacerbated eutrophication drove a shift in the dominant source of organic matter from terrestrial inputs to in situ primary production, which has probably led to an earlier onset of hypoxia in summer.
Final-revised paper