Articles | Volume 21, issue 5
Research article
15 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 15 Mar 2024

Data-based investigation of the effects of canopy structure and shadows on chlorophyll fluorescence in a deciduous oak forest

Hamadou Balde, Gabriel Hmimina, Yves Goulas, Gwendal Latouche, Abderrahmane Ounis, and Kamel Soudani

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EGUsphere,,, 2024
Preprint archived
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Synergy between TROPOMI sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and MODIS spectral reflectance for understanding the dynamics of gross primary productivity at Integrated Carbon Observatory System (ICOS) ecosystem flux sites
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Balde, H., Hmimina, G., Goulas, Y., Latouche, G., and Soudani, K.: Synergy between TROPOMI sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and MODIS spectral reflectance for understanding the dynamics of gross primary productivity at Integrated Carbon Observatory System (ICOS) ecosystem flux sites, Biogeosciences, 20, 1473–1490,, 2023. 
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We show that FyieldLIF was not correlated with SIFy at the diurnal timescale, and the diurnal patterns in SIF and PAR did not match under clear-sky conditions due to canopy structure. Φk was sensitive to canopy structure. RF models show that Φk can be predicted using reflectance in different bands. RF models also show that FyieldLIF was more sensitive to reflectance and radiation than SIF and SIFy, indicating that the combined effect of reflectance bands could hide the SIF physiological trait.
Final-revised paper