Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
29 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2025

Field heterogeneity of soil texture controls leaf water potential spatial distribution predicted from UAS-based vegetation indices in non-irrigated vineyards

Louis Delval, Jordan Bates, François Jonard, and Mathieu Javaux

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Cited articles

Acevedo-Opazo, C., Tisseyre, B., Guillaume, S., and Ojeda, H.: The potential of high spatial resolution information to define within-vineyard zones related to vine water status, Precis. Agric., 9, 285–302,, 2008. 
Acevedo-Opazo, C., Tisseyre, B., Ojeda, H., and Guillaume, S.: Spatial extrapolation of the vine (Vitis vinifera L.) water status: a first step towards a spatial prediction model, Irrigation Sci., 28, 143–155,, 2010. 
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Short summary
The accurate quantification of grapevine water status is crucial for winemakers as it significantly impacts wine quality. It is acknowledged that within a single vineyard, the variability of grapevine water status can be significant. The within-field spatial distribution of soil hydraulic conductance and weather conditions are the primary factors governing the leaf water potential spatial heterogeneity and extent observed in non-irrigated vineyards, and their effects are concomitant. 
Final-revised paper