Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
05 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 05 Mar 2018

Modelling biogeochemical processes in sediments from the north-western Adriatic Sea: response to enhanced particulate organic carbon fluxes

Daniele Brigolin, Christophe Rabouille, Bruno Bombled, Silvia Colla, Salvatrice Vizzini, Roberto Pastres, and Fabio Pranovi

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Aguilera, D. R., Jourabchi, P., Spiteri, C., and Regnier, P.: A knowledge-based reactive transport approach for the simulation of biogeochemical dynamics in Earth systems, Geochem. Geophy. Geosy., 6, Q07012,, 2005.
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Short summary
We present the result of a study carried out in the north-western Adriatic Sea by combining two different types of models with field sampling. A mussel farm was taken as a local source of perturbation to the natural flux of particulate organic carbon to the sediment. Differences in fluxes were primarily associated with mussel physiological conditions. Although restricted, these changes in particulate organic carbon fluxes induced visible effects on sediment biogeochemistry.
Final-revised paper