Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Research article
17 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 17 Sep 2019

Spring net community production and its coupling with the CO2 dynamics in the surface water of the northern Gulf of Mexico

Zong-Pei Jiang, Wei-Jun Cai, John Lehrter, Baoshan Chen, Zhangxian Ouyang, Chengfeng Le, Brian J. Roberts, Najid Hussain, Michael K. Scaboo, Junxiao Zhang, and Yuanyuan Xu

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The biological production and air–sea CO2 exchange in the surface water of the northern Gulf of Mexico during springtime were mainly controlled by the changes in the availability of light and nutrients during the river–ocean mixing process, with strong CO2 uptake occurring in the river plume regions. The slow air–sea CO2 exchange rate and buffering effect of the CO2 system may result in decoupling between biological production and CO2 flux.
Final-revised paper