Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Research article
18 Sep 2020
Research article |  | 18 Sep 2020

Mineralization of organic matter in boreal lake sediments: rates, pathways, and nature of the fermenting substrates

François Clayer, Yves Gélinas, André Tessier, and Charles Gobeil

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Technical note: Preventing CO2 overestimation from mercuric or copper(II) chloride preservation of dissolved greenhouse gases in freshwater samples
François Clayer, Jan Erik Thrane, Kuria Ndungu, Andrew King, Peter Dörsch, and Thomas Rohrlack
Biogeosciences, 21, 1903–1921,,, 2024
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Sources of skill in lake temperature, discharge and ice-off seasonal forecasting tools
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Seasonal forecasting of lake water quality and algal bloom risk using a continuous Gaussian Bayesian network
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Opportunities for seasonal forecasting to support water management outside the tropics
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Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases
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Short summary
Technical note: Preventing CO2 overestimation from mercuric or copper(II) chloride preservation of dissolved greenhouse gases in freshwater samples
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Biogeosciences, 21, 1903–1921,,, 2024
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Cited articles

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Bastviken, D., Cole, J. J., Pace, M. L., and Van de Bogert, M. C.: Fates of methane from different lake habitats: Connecting whole-lake budgets and CH4 emissions: FATES OF LAKE METHANE, J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeo., 113, G02024,, 2008. 
Short summary
Here, we quantified the sediment production of methane and carbon dioxide in lake sediments to better characterize the nature of the organic matter at the origin of these two greenhouse gases. We demonstrate that the production of these gases is not adequately represented in models for deep lake sediments. We thus propose to improve the representation of organic matter degradation reactions in current models for improving predictions of greenhouse gas cycling in aquatic sediments.
Final-revised paper