Articles | Volume 13, issue 23
Research article
 | Highlight paper
07 Dec 2016
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 07 Dec 2016

Use of remote-sensing reflectance to constrain a data assimilating marine biogeochemical model of the Great Barrier Reef

Emlyn M. Jones, Mark E. Baird, Mathieu Mongin, John Parslow, Jenny Skerratt, Jenny Lovell, Nugzar Margvelashvili, Richard J. Matear, Karen Wild-Allen, Barbara Robson, Farhan Rizwi, Peter Oke, Edward King, Thomas Schroeder, Andy Steven, and John Taylor

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Cited articles

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Baird, M. E., Ralph, P. J., Wild-Allen, K., Rizwi, F., and Steven, A. D. L.: A dynamic model of the cellular carbon to chlorophyll ratio applied to a batch culture and a continental shelf ecosystem, Limnol. Oceanogr., 58, 1215–1226, 2013.
Baird, M. E., Cherukuru, N., Jones, E., Margvelashvili, N., Mongin, M., Oubelkheir, K., Ralph, P. J., Rizwi, F., Robson, B. J., Schroeder, T., Skerratt, J., Steven, A. D. L., and Wild-Allen, K. A.: Remote-sensing reflectance and true colour produced by a coupled hydrodynamic, optical, sediment, biogeochemical model of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: comparison with satellite data, Env. Model. Softw., 78, 79–96, 2016a.
Short summary
Marine biogeochemical models are often used to understand water quality, nutrient and blue-carbon dynamics at scales that range from estuaries and bays, through to the global ocean. We introduce a new methodology allowing for the assimilation of observed remote sensing reflectances, avoiding the need to use empirically derived chlorophyll-a concentrations. This method opens up the possibility to assimilate of reflectances from a variety of missions and potentially non-satellite platforms.
Final-revised paper