Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
24 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 24 Mar 2017

Experimental diagenesis: insights into aragonite to calcite transformation of Arctica islandica shells by hydrothermal treatment

Laura A. Casella, Erika Griesshaber, Xiaofei Yin, Andreas Ziegler, Vasileios Mavromatis, Dirk Müller, Ann-Christine Ritter, Dorothee Hippler, Elizabeth M. Harper, Martin Dietzel, Adrian Immenhauser, Bernd R. Schöne, Lucia Angiolini, and Wolfgang W. Schmahl

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Mollusc shells record past environments. Fossil shell chemistry and microstructure change as metastable biogenic aragonite transforms to stable geogenic calcite. We simulated this alteration of Arctica islandica shells by hydrothermal treatments. Below 175 °C the shell aragonite survived for weeks. At 175 °C the replacement of the original material starts after 4 days and yields submillimetre-sized calcites preserving the macroscopic morphology as well as the original internal micromorphology.
Final-revised paper