Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Research article
04 Jul 2018
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2018

Benthic archaea as potential sources of tetraether membrane lipids in sediments across an oxygen minimum zone

Marc A. Besseling, Ellen C. Hopmans, R. Christine Boschman, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Laura Villanueva

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Benthic archaea comprise a significant part of the total prokaryotic biomass in marine sediments. Here, we compared the archaeal diversity and intact polar lipid (IPL) composition in both surface and subsurface sediments with different oxygen regimes in the Arabian Sea oxygen minimum zone. The oxygenated sediments were dominated by Thaumarchaeota and IPL-GDGT-0. The anoxic sediment contained highly diverse archaeal communities and high relative abundances of IPL-GDGT-1 to -4.
Final-revised paper