Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
17 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2018

Experimental assessment of the sensitivity of an estuarine phytoplankton fall bloom to acidification and warming

Robin Bénard, Maurice Levasseur, Michael Scarratt, Marie-Amélie Blais, Alfonso Mucci, Gustavo Ferreyra, Michel Starr, Michel Gosselin, Jean-Éric Tremblay, and Martine Lizotte

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Cited articles

Annane, S., St-Amand, L., Starr, M., Pelletier, E., and Ferreyra, G. A.: Contribution of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) to estuarine particulate organic carbon pool, Mar. Ecol.-Prog. Ser., 529, 17–34,, 2015. 
Beardall, J., Stojkovic, S., and Gao, K.: Interactive effects of nutrient supply and other environmental factors on the sensitivity of marine primary producers to ultraviolet radiation: Implications for the impacts of global change, Aquat. Biol., 22, 5–23,, 2014. 
Bénard, R., Levasseur, M., Scarratt, M. G., Blais, M.-A., Mucci, A., Ferreyra, G. A., Starr, M., Gosselin, M., Tremblay, J.-É., and Lizotte, M.: Experimental assessment of the St. Lawrence Estuary phytoplankton fall bloom sensitivity to acidification and warming, PANGAEA,, 2018. 
Bérard-Therriault, L., Poulin, M., and Bossé, L.: Guide d'identification du phytoplancton marin de l'estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent incluant également certains protozoaires, Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 128, 1–387, 1999. 
Short summary
We investigated the combined effect of ocean acidification and warming on the dynamics of the phytoplankton fall boom in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada. Twelve 2600 L mesocosms were used to cover a wide range of pH and two temperatures. We found that warming, rather than acidification, is more likely to alter the autumnal bloom in this estuary in the decades to come by stimulating the development and senescence of diatoms, and promoting picocyanobacteria proliferation.
Final-revised paper