Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
02 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 02 Apr 2019

Reduced phosphorus loads from the Loire and Vilaine rivers were accompanied by increasing eutrophication in the Vilaine Bay (south Brittany, France)

Widya Ratmaya, Dominique Soudant, Jordy Salmon-Monviola, Martin Plus, Nathalie Cochennec-Laureau, Evelyne Goubert, Françoise Andrieux-Loyer, Laurent Barillé, and Philippe Souchu

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Cited articles

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Belin, C. and Neaud-Masson, N.: Cahier de Procédures REPHY, Document de prescription, Version 1, 61 pp., Ifremer, Nantes, France, 2017 (in French). 
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This work reports the consequences of nutrient management strategy, an example from southwestern Europe focused mainly on P reduction. Upstream rivers reveal indices of recoveries following the significant diminution of P, while eutrophication continues to increase downstream, especially when N is the limiting factor. This long-term ecosystem-scale analysis provides more arguments for a dual-nutrient (N and P) management strategy to mitigate eutrophication along the freshwater–marine continuum.
Final-revised paper