Articles | Volume 20, issue 8
Research article
27 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 27 Apr 2023

Local environmental context drives heterogeneity of early succession dynamics in alpine glacier forefields

Arthur Bayle, Bradley Z. Carlson, Anaïs Zimmer, Sophie Vallée, Antoine Rabatel, Edoardo Cremonese, Gianluca Filippa, Cédric Dentant, Christophe Randin, Andrea Mainetti, Erwan Roussel, Simon Gascoin, Dov Corenblit, and Philippe Choler

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Bayle, A., Roussel, E., Carlson, B. Z., Vautier, F., Brossard, C., Fovet, E., De Bouchard D'Aubeterre, G., and Corenblit, D.: Sensitivity of Landsat NDVI to subpixel vegetation and topographic components in glacier forefields: assessment from high-resolution multispectral UAV imagery, J. Appl. Remote Sens., 15, 044508,, 2021. 
Short summary
Glacier forefields have long provided ecologists with a model to study patterns of plant succession following glacier retreat. We used remote sensing approaches to study early succession dynamics as it allows to analyze the deglaciation, colonization, and vegetation growth within a single framework. We found that the heterogeneity of early succession dynamics is deterministic and can be explained well by local environmental context. This work has been done by an international consortium.
Final-revised paper