Articles | Volume 12, issue 23
Research article
14 Dec 2015
Research article |  | 14 Dec 2015

New insights into fCO2 variability in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean using SMOS SSS

C. Walker Brown, J. Boutin, and L. Merlivat

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Cited articles

Alexander, M. A., Seo, H., Xie, S. P., and Scott, J. D.: ENSO's Impact on the Gap Wind Regions of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, J. Clim., 25, 3549–3565, 2012.
Alory, G., Maes, C., Delcroix, T., Reul, N., and Illig, S.: Seasonal dynamics of sea surface salinity off Panama: The far Eastern Pacific Fresh Pool, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C04028,, 2012.
Boutin, J., Etcheto, J., and Dandonneau, Y.: Satellite sea surface temperature: a powerful tool for interpreting in situ pCO2 measurements in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Tellus B, 51B, 490–508, 1999.
Boutin, J., Martin, N., Reverdin, G., Yin, X., and Gaillard, F.: Sea surface freshening inferred from SMOS and ARGO salinity: impact of rain, Ocean Science, 9, 183–192,, 2013.
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Using a temperature-salinity-based extrapolation of in situ surface-fCO2, in conjunction with SMOS SSS and OSTIA SST, fCO2 is mapped within the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (ETPO) at high spatial (0.25°) and temporal (monthly) resolution. Strong interannual and spatial variability is identified, with net outgassing of CO2 in the gulfs of Tehuantepec and Papagayo contrasting net ingassing in the Gulf of Panama. For the period of July 2010-July 2014, the ETPO was supersaturated by ~40μatm.
Final-revised paper