Articles | Volume 10, issue 8
Research article
14 Aug 2013
Research article |  | 14 Aug 2013

Initial spread of 137Cs from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant over the Japan continental shelf: a study using a high-resolution, global-coastal nested ocean model

Z. Lai, C. Chen, R. Beardsley, H. Lin, R. Ji, J. Sasaki, and J. Lin

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Revised manuscript not accepted
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Cited articles

Aoyama, M., Tsumune, D., Uematsu, M., Kondo, F., and Hamajima, Y.: Temporal variation of 134Cs and 137Cs activities in surface water at stations along the coastline near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident site, Japan, Geochem. J., 46, 321–325, 2012.
Behrens, E., Schwarzkopf, F. U., Lübbecke, J. F., and Böning, C.W.: Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima, Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 034004,, 2012.
Buesseler, K., Aoyama, M., and Fukasawa, M.: Impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants on marine radioactivity, Environ. Sci. Technol., 45, 9931–9935, 2011.
Charette, M. A., Breier, C. F., Henderson, P. B., Pike, S. M., Rypina, I. I., Jayne, S. R., and Buesseler, K. O.: Radium-based estimates of cesium isotope transport and total direct ocean discharges from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident, Biogeosciences, 10, 2159–2167,, 2013.
Final-revised paper