Articles | Volume 11, issue 21
Research article
07 Nov 2014
Research article |  | 07 Nov 2014

N2O, NO, N2 and CO2 emissions from tropical savanna and grassland of northern Australia: an incubation experiment with intact soil cores

C. Werner, K. Reiser, M. Dannenmann, L. B. Hutley, J. Jacobeit, and K. Butterbach-Bahl

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Revised manuscript not accepted

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Cited articles

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Arias-Navarro, C., Díaz-Pinés, E., Kiese, R., Rosenstock, T. S., Rufino, M. C., Stern, D., Neufeldt, H., Verchot, L. V., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: Gas pooling: a sampling technique to overcome spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide fluxes, Soil Biol. Biochem., 67, 20–23, 2013.
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Short summary
Atmospheric loss of N from savanna soil was dominated by N2 emissions (82-99% of total N loss to atmosphere). Nitric oxide emissions significantly contributed at 50% WFPS; high temperatures and N2O emissions were negligible. Based on a simple upscale approach we estimated annual loss of N to the atmosphere at 7.5kg yr-1. N2O emission was low for most samples, but high for a small subset of cores at 75% WFPS (due to short periods where such conditions occur this has little effect on totals).
Final-revised paper