Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Research article
17 May 2017
Research article |  | 17 May 2017

Strong linkages between surface and deep-water dissolved organic matter in the East/Japan Sea

Tae-Hoon Kim, Guebuem Kim, Yuan Shen, and Ronald Benner

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Cited articles

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The requested paper has a corresponding corrigendum published. Please read the corrigendum first before downloading the article.

Short summary
Significantly high total hydrolysable amino acid concentrations and yields were observed in the East/Japan Sea of deep-water formation, indicating the convection of margin-derived bioavailable dissolved organic matter to deep waters. Our observational results suggest that the effective transport of bioavailable DOM to the deep ocean can be significantly sensitive to changes in the deep-water renewal rates and in temperature of the surface ocean, linked to global warming.
Final-revised paper