Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Research article
18 May 2018
Research article |  | 18 May 2018

The role of diatom resting spores in pelagic–benthic coupling in the Southern Ocean

Mathieu Rembauville, Stéphane Blain, Clara Manno, Geraint Tarling, Anu Thompson, George Wolff, and Ian Salter

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Sinking phytoplankton from the surface ocean provide the principal energy source to deep-ocean ecosystems. Our aim was to understand how different phytoplankton communities impact the chemical nature of this sinking material. We show certain types of phytoplankton can preferentially export energy-rich storage compounds to the seafloor. Any climate-driven effects on phytoplankton community structure could thus impact remote deep-ocean ecosystems thousands of kilometres beneath the surface.
Final-revised paper